The time has come The time has come Chegou a hora To rise again To rise again De ressurgir Freedom lift thy sewered hem Freedom lift thy sewered hem A liberdade levantou a borda do próprio esgoto Free from beasts and skewered men Free from beasts and skewered men Livre de feras e homens de espada My dreams unroll My dreams unroll Meus sonhos se desenrolam Ten thousand fold Ten thousand fold Dez mil vezes Their world will never take me Their world will never take me O mundo deles nunca me terá They will never desecrate my soul They will never desecrate my soul Eles nunca profanarão minha alma The stars I have grasped The stars I have grasped As estrelas que eu alcancei Are so far lonely constellations Are so far lonely constellations Até agora são constelações solitárias And wishing on those stars And wishing on those stars E fazendo desejos pra essas estrelas My spirit bars annihilation My spirit bars annihilation Meu espírito aniquila as barreiras From earthen miseries From earthen miseries De misérias terrenas Hosts of most fell forms of greed Hosts of most fell forms of greed A multidão das muitas formas de cobiça caíram. Ghosts of pearly gate remissions Ghosts of pearly gate remissions Fantasmas do perolado Portão do Perdão Forever haunting me Forever haunting me Para sempre assombram-me. Slit the witch and watch him bleed Slit the witch and watch him bleed Corte o feiticeiro e veja-o sangrar As with any inquisition As with any inquisition Como acontece em qualquer inquisição. Lying from the start Lying from the start Mentindo desde o início The preachers piled their craft The preachers piled their craft Os pregadores amontoaram suas habilidades Scoffing elder glories Scoffing elder glories Zombando de velhas glórias. And dying, I depart And dying, I depart E morrendo, eu me afasto To make their sunken hearts To make their sunken hearts Para fazer de seus corações afundados A coffin for their stories A coffin for their stories Um caixão para suas histórias The time is past The time is past O tempo é passado The falter when The falter when A vascilar quando Freedom slips my sombre pen Freedom slips my sombre pen A liberdade desliza minha caneta sombria And the gates to wolves break open then And the gates to wolves break open then E os portões dos lobos abrem-se então. My feelings may My feelings may Meus sentimentos podem Seem constant prey Seem constant prey Parecer presas constantes But claws no more will rake me But claws no more will rake me Mas as garras não vão mais me esquadrinhar Those whores have fled to darker days Those whores have fled to darker days Essas vadias fugiram para dias mais escuros. Above and beyond Above and beyond Acima e além I have wronged in my position I have wronged in my position Eu errei na minha posição But now the winds are strong But now the winds are strong Mas agora os ventos estão fortes To soar from Babel?s vision To soar from Babel?s vision Para voar a visão de Babel Of cutthroat jealousies Of cutthroat jealousies Da garganta cortada inveja Dock to dock these mongrels breed Dock to dock these mongrels breed De doca para doca essas raças mestiças Dogs of fogged derision Dogs of fogged derision Cães de escárnio confuso Pacing, soon to be Pacing, soon to be Marchando, em breve para estar Back to pack mentality Back to pack mentality De volta para empacotar mentalidades When my killing moon is risen When my killing moon is risen Quando minha lua assassina nasce. Trying from the start Trying from the start Tentando desde o começo These creatures of the dark These creatures of the dark Essas criaturas das trevas Were quaffing morning glories Were quaffing morning glories Estávamos bebendo as glórias da aurora And dying, I depart And dying, I depart E morrendo, eu me afasto To make their drunken hearts To make their drunken hearts Para fazer dos seus corações bêbados A coffin for their stories A coffin for their stories Um caixão com as histórias deles Innovation in ovation Innovation in ovation Inovação na aclamação Imagination stirs Imagination stirs Imaginação se agita Somewhere the dusk is lining Somewhere the dusk is lining Em algum lugar o crepúsculo é revestimento Red the shore of a roaring sea Red the shore of a roaring sea Vermelho a praia de um mar que ruge And though loved there is someone pining And though loved there is someone pining E, apesar de amada existe alguém enfraquecida For the waves of blood to run and rescue me? For the waves of blood to run and rescue me? Pelas ondas de sangue a correr e me salvar? The time has come The time has come Chegou a hora To rise again To rise again De ressurgir Freedom lift thy sewered hem Freedom lift thy sewered hem A liberdade levantou a borda do próprio esgoto Free from beasts and skewered men Free from beasts and skewered men Livre de feras e homens de espadas My dreams unroll My dreams unroll Meus sonhos se desenrolam Ten thousand fold Ten thousand fold Dez mil vezes Their world will never take me Their world will never take me O mundo deles nunca me terá They will never desecrate my soul They will never desecrate my soul Eles nunca profanarão minha alma Their world will never break me Their world will never break me O mundo deles nunca me quebrará They will never desecrate my soul They will never desecrate my soul Eles nunca profanarão minha alma