You always said I was a liar You always said I was a liar Você sempre dizia que eu era uma mentirosa but we burn like a house on fire... but we burn like a house on fire... mas nós queimamos como uma casa em chamas... No matter what, you know that to be true. No matter what, you know that to be true. não importa o quê,você sabe ser verdadeiro And everything you gave to me And everything you gave to me e tudo que você me deu changed everything I used to be changed everything I used to be mudou tudo que eu costumava ser much more than anyone I ever knew much more than anyone I ever knew muito mais do que qualquer um que eu já conheci And I don't need a hero And I don't need a hero e eu não preciso de um herói I don't need a soldier I don't need a soldier não preciso de um soldado I did when I was younger - I did when I was younger - eu precisava quando era mais jovem but now that I'm older but now that I'm older mas agora que estou mais velha I don't need a father, I don't need a father, eu não preciso de um pai, I don't wanna be your mother I don't wanna be your mother não quero ser sua mãe it's just that anyone of us is half it's just that anyone of us is half é que qualquer um de nós without another one is you without another one is you somos metade sem a outra que é você The colors of that piece of time The colors of that piece of time as cores daquela parte do tempo are still so fresh inside my mind are still so fresh inside my mind ainda estão tão recentes dentro and it makes the movie and it makes the movie da minha cabeça of my life seem pale - of my life seem pale - e faz o filme da minha vida parecer fraco and all the games I have to play and all the games I have to play e todos os jogos que eu tenho que jogar I got to give a lot of me away I got to give a lot of me away eu tenho que entregar mais de mim but the part with us but the part with us mas a parte conosco will never be for sale will never be for sale nunca estará à venda The words of love have been confused The words of love have been confused as palavras de amor têm sido confusas The ways of love have been abused - The ways of love have been abused - as maneiras do amor têm sido abusivas Is this a lottery you win or lose? Is this a lottery you win or lose? é uma loteria que você ganha e perde? I don't know - I don't know - não sei It's an endless circle over time It's an endless circle over time é um círculo infinito no tempo The place inside where I hold and find The place inside where I hold and find um lugar interior onde eu mantenho e encontro your sweet and happy music in my soul your sweet and happy music in my soul sua suave e alegre música em minha alma