
Don't Let Your Love Grow Away From Me

Não Deixe Seu Amor Crescer longe de mim

so to speak so to speak como quem diz breathing deep breathing deep respirando profundamente face and hands face and hands face e mãos chilly sweat chilly sweat suor frio phone to ear phone to ear telefone a orelha eyes to mirror eyes to mirror olhos para refletir wall to wall wall to wall parede para parede connection's clear connection's clear conexão está clara saw you Sunday saw you Sunday o visto domingo torn in two torn in two rasgado em dois my demons took up my demons took up meus demônios levaram para cima the whole church pew the whole church pew o inteiro banco da igreja sleep walked up receieved sleep walked up receieved sono caminhou para cima recebeu the bread and wine the bread and wine o pão e vinho begging Jesus to cleanse my mind begging Jesus to cleanse my mind Jesus mendicante para limpar minha mente begging Jesus to cleanse my heart begging Jesus to cleanse my heart Jesus mendicante para limpar meu coração begging Jesus to cleanse my soul begging Jesus to cleanse my soul Jesus mendicante para limpar minha alma don't let your love grow away from me don't let your love grow away from me não deixe seu amor crescer longe de mim don't let your love grow away from me don't let your love grow away from me não deixe seu amor crescer longe de mim shocked to find shocked to find chocado para achar all my words all my words todas minhas palavras won't save me this time won't save me this time não me salve este tempo no I won't quiet down no I won't quiet down nenhum eu não me acalmarei and you'd think by now and you'd think by now e você pensaria até agora I bow out gracefully I bow out gracefully Eu me curvo fora da oração goodbye to the show goodbye to the show adeus para o espetáculo don't let your love grow away from me don't let your love grow away from me não deixe seu amor crescer longe de mim don't let your love grow away from me don't let your love grow away from me não deixe seu amor crescer longe de mim I could rip I could rip Eu poderia rasgar I could tear I could tear Eu poderia rasgar our memories' seams our memories' seams nossas costuras de recordações I could fold I could fold Eu poderia dobrar show my hands show my hands mostre minhas mãos as naked as thieves as naked as thieves tão nu quanto os ladrões but I stare at this bridge but I stare at this bridge mas eu encaro esta ponte the cracks underneath the cracks underneath as rachas debaixo de don't let your love grow away from me don't let your love grow away from me não deixe seu amor crescer longe de mim don't let your love grow away from me don't let your love grow away from me não deixe seu amor crescer longe de mim shocked to find shocked to find chocado para achar all my words all my words todas minhas palavras won't save me this time won't save me this time não me salve este tempo no I won't quiet down no I won't quiet down nenhum eu não me acalmarei and you'd think by now and you'd think by now e você pensaria até agora I bow out gracefully I bow out gracefully Eu me curvo fora da oração and goodbye to the show and goodbye to the show e adeus para o espetáculo

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