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Over You

Superei você.

Now that it's all said and done, Now that it's all said and done, Agora que está tudo dito e feito I can't believe you were the one I can't believe you were the one Não posso acreditar que foi você To build me up and tear me down, To build me up and tear me down, A me levantar e me mandar pra baixo Like an old abandoned house. Like an old abandoned house. Como uma velha casa abandonada What you said when you left What you said when you left O que me disse quando partiu Just left me cold and out of breath. Just left me cold and out of breath. Só me deixou fria e sem ar I fell too far, was in way too deep. I fell too far, was in way too deep. Eu cai longe, muito fundo Guess I let you get the best of me.. Guess I let you get the best of me.. Acho que deixei você ter o melhor de mim Well, I never saw it coming. Well, I never saw it coming. Bem eu nunca vi isso chegando I should've started running I should've started running Eu deveria ter começado a correr A long, long time ago. A long, long time ago. Há muito, muito tempo atrás And I never thought I'd doubt you, And I never thought I'd doubt you, E eu nunca pensei que duvidaria de você I'm better off without you I'm better off without you Estou melhor sem você More than you, more than you know. More than you, more than you know. Mais do que você, mais do que você sabe I'm slowly getting closure. I'm slowly getting closure. Eu estou devagar começando a me fechar I guess it's really over. I guess it's really over. Acho que está realmente acabado I'm finally getting better. I'm finally getting better. Estou finalmente me sentindo melhor Now I'm picking up the pieces. Now I'm picking up the pieces. Agora estou juntando os pedaços I'm spending all of these years I'm spending all of these years Estou gastando todos esses anos Putting my heart back together. Putting my heart back together. Juntando meu coração de volta 'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through, 'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through, Porque no dia que eu pensei que nunca conseguiria I got over you. I got over you. Eu superei você. You took a hammer to these walls, You took a hammer to these walls, Você jogou a marreta nessas paredes Dragged the memories down the hall, Dragged the memories down the hall, Arrastou as memórias abaixo no salão Packed your bags and walked away. Packed your bags and walked away. Fez suas malas e andou pra longe There was nothing I could say. There was nothing I could say. Não havia nada que eu pudesse dizer And when you slammed the front door shut, And when you slammed the front door shut, E quando você fechou a porta da frente A lot of others opened up, A lot of others opened up, Muitas outras se abriram, So did my eyes so I could see So did my eyes so I could see Então se abriu meus olhos e eu pude ver That you never were the best for me. That you never were the best for me. Que você nunca foi o melhor pra mim. Well, I never saw it coming. Well, I never saw it coming. Bem, eu nunca vi isso chegando I should've started running I should've started running Eu deveria ter começado a correr A long, long time ago. A long, long time ago. Há muito, muito tempo atrás And I never thought I'd doubt you, And I never thought I'd doubt you, E eu nunca pensei que duvidaria de você, I'm better off without you I'm better off without you Estou melhor sem você More than you, more than you know. More than you, more than you know. Mais do que você, mais do que você sabe I'm slowly getting closure. I'm slowly getting closure. Estou devagar começando a me fechar I guess it's really over. I guess it's really over. Acho que esta realmente acabado I'm finally getting better. I'm finally getting better. Estou finalmente me sentindo melhor Now I'm picking up the pieces. Now I'm picking up the pieces. Agora estou juntando os pedaços I'm spending all of these years I'm spending all of these years Estou gastando todos esses anos Putting my heart back together. Putting my heart back together. Juntando de volta meu coração 'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through, 'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through, Porque no dia que pensei que nunca conseguiria I got over you. I got over you. Eu superei você. Well, I never saw it coming. Well, I never saw it coming. Bem eu nunca vi isso chegando I should've started running I should've started running Eu deveria ter começado a correr A long, long time ago. A long, long time ago. Há muito, muito tempo atrás And I never thought I'd doubt you, And I never thought I'd doubt you, E eu nunca pensei que duvidaria de você I'm better off without you I'm better off without you Estou melhor sem você More than you, more than you know. More than you, more than you know. Mais do que você, mais do que você sabe Well, I never saw it coming. Well, I never saw it coming. Bem eu nunca vi isso chegando I should've started running I should've started running Eu deveria ter começado a correr A long, long time ago. A long, long time ago. Há muito, muito tempo atrás And I never thought I'd doubt you, And I never thought I'd doubt you, E eu nunca pensei que duvidaria de você I'm better off without you I'm better off without you Estou melhor sem você More than you, more than you know. More than you, more than you know. Mais do que você, mais do que você sabe I'm slowly getting closure. I'm slowly getting closure. Eu estou devagar começando a me fechar I guess it's really over. I guess it's really over. Acho que está realmente acabado I'm finally getting better. I'm finally getting better. Estou finalmente me sentindo melhor Now I'm picking up the pieces. Now I'm picking up the pieces. Agora estou juntando os pedaços I'm spending all of these years I'm spending all of these years Estou gastando todos esses anos Putting my heart back together. Putting my heart back together. Juntando meu coração de volta I'm putting my heart back together, I'm putting my heart back together, Porque no dia que eu pensei que nunca conseguiria 'Cause I got over you. 'Cause I got over you. Eu superei você. I got over you, I got over you, Eu superei você. I got over you, I got over you, Eu superei você. 'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through, 'Cause the day I thought I'd never get through, Porque no dia que eu pensei que nunca conseguiria I got over you. I got over you. Eu superei você.

Composição: Brian John Howes/Christopher A Daughtry

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