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Black Ark

Arca Negra

i'll be the end and the beginning i'll be the end and the beginning Serei o fim e o começo i'll be the soul without fear i'll be the soul without fear Serei a alma destemida i'll be the tower of strength i'll be the tower of strength Serei a torre de força i'll be the last breath of fate i'll be the last breath of fate Serei o último suspiro do fado i'll be the grain of sand i'll be the grain of sand Serei o último grão de areia i'll be the soul untamed i'll be the soul untamed Serei a alma indomada i'll be the seeds of your soul i'll be the seeds of your soul Serei as sementes de sua alma i'll be the sacred lost scrolls i'll be the sacred lost scrolls Serei os pergaminhos sagrados e perdidos impaled heads and tortured souls impaled heads and tortured souls Cabeças empaladas e almas torturadas under the sign of the black ark under the sign of the black ark Sob o sinal da arca negra sacrifice the bastard's sons sacrifice the bastard's sons Sacrifique os filhos bastardos under the sign of the black ark under the sign of the black ark Sob o sinal da arca negra whoever the fuck you are whoever the fuck you are Seja que porra você for under the sign of the black ark under the sign of the black ark Sob o sinal da arca negra wherever the fuck you come from wherever the fuck you come from Sacrifique os filhos bastardos under the sign of the black ark under the sign of the black ark Sob o sinal da arca negra here's this new day here's this new day Aqui está este novo dia when we'll stand up when we'll stand up Quando nos levantaremos fight for our lives fight for our lives Lutaremos por nossas vidas we must go on we must go on Temos que continuar learn from our past learn from our past Aprender com o passado we can forgive we can forgive Podemos perdoar what you have done what you have done O que você fez we must go on we must go on Temos que continuar we're not who you think we are we're not who you think we are Não somos quem você pensa que somos under the sign of the black void under the sign of the black void Sob o sinal do vácuo negro whatever you are, we are against it whatever you are, we are against it O que quer que você seja, estamos contra você between the sun and the dust between the sun and the dust Entre o Sol e a poeira the spirits i call, they come to life now the spirits i call, they come to life now Os espíritos que chamo, eles vêm para a vida agora feels like the march of doom feels like the march of doom Como a marcha da condenação taking me down where our lives end taking me down where our lives end Me levando onde nossas vidas terminam like born dead inside the womb like born dead inside the womb Como nascer morto dentro do útero here's this new day here's this new day Aqui está este novo dia when we'll stand up when we'll stand up Quando nos levantaremos fight for our lives fight for our lives Lutaremos por nossas vidas we must go on we must go on Temos que continuar learn from our past learn from our past Aprender com o passado we can forgive we can forgive Podemos perdoar what you have done what you have done O que você fez we must go on we must go on Temos que continuar inside the womb... inside the womb... Dentro do útero.. you're not who you think you are you're not who you think you are Você não é o que pensa ser womb.... womb.... Útero.. hostility... hostility... Hostilidade... between the sun and the dust between the sun and the dust Entre o Sol e a poeira feels like the march of doom feels like the march of doom Como a marcha da condenação

Composição: Max Cavalera/Ritchie Cavalera

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