every day you come in sacrifice he/she feels every day you come in sacrifice he/she feels Cada día que viene en el sacrificio que él / ella se siente body and blood comes ,nos to present the hope body and blood comes ,nos to present the hope cuerpo y la sangre viene, esperamos presentar la of a sacred life, the all that that your body and blood to take communion.... 2x of a sacred life, the all that that your body and blood to take communion.... 2x de una vida sagrada, Todo Lo Que Es su cuerpo y sangre para llevar la comunión .... 2x it is not more bread he/she is present GOD itself he/she sees if it feels lamb immolated on the altar it is not more bread he/she is present GOD itself he/she sees if it feels lamb immolated on the altar no es más pan que él / ella es en sí mismo a Dios presente que él / ella se siente si el cordero inmolado secciones en el altar it is not more wine it is your blood that frees us and it cures our heart of the pain it is not more wine it is your blood that frees us and it cures our heart of the pain no es más vino que es su sangre y nos libera a curar el dolor de nuestro corazón