Acclaim Mister, for the whole earth. Acclaim Mister, for the whole earth. Acclaim Señor, por toda la tierra. I served Mister with happiness. Come, enter exultant in your presence. I served Mister with happiness. Come, enter exultant in your presence. Mister me sirve de felicidad. Ven, introduzca exultante en su presencia. Know that the Mister it is God: he did us, and to him we belonged. We are your people and the sheep of your flock. Know that the Mister it is God: he did us, and to him we belonged. We are your people and the sheep of your flock. El Señor sabe que es Dios: él nos hizo, y que le pertenecía a él. Somos su pueblo y ovejas de su rebaño. Enter singing under your porches, come to your atria with songs; glorify and bendizei your name, Enter singing under your porches, come to your atria with songs; glorify and bendizei your name, Ingrese su canto con porches, comer a sus atrios con cantos, alabar y glorificar su nombre, because the Mister it is good, your mercy is eternal and your fidelity extends of generation in generation. because the Mister it is good, your mercy is eternal and your fidelity extends of generation in generation. porque el Señor que es bueno, su misericordia es eterna y su fidelidad se extiende de generación en generación.