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The Tower

A torre

There are twelve commandments There are twelve commandments Há doze mandamentos There are twelve divisions There are twelve divisions Há doze divisões Twelve are the pagans who have mapped the sky Twelve are the pagans who have mapped the sky Doze são os pagãos que mapearam o céu In the outer circle In the outer circle No círculo externo To the inner sanctum To the inner sanctum Para o lugar sagrado espiritual From the octave at the end of time From the octave at the end of time Da oitava ao fim do tempo The fountain, the trinity The fountain, the trinity A fonte, a trindade The pilgrim is searching for blood The pilgrim is searching for blood O peregrino está procurando por sangue To look for his own free will To look for his own free will (Procurando pelo sangue dele) The stone of infinity, washed in the flood The stone of infinity, washed in the flood Para procurar o livre arbítrio dele Lovers in the tower Lovers in the tower A pedra da infinidade, banhada no dilúvio The moon and sun divided The moon and sun divided Amantes na torre And the hanged man smiles And the hanged man smiles A lua e o sol divididos, Lovers in the tower Lovers in the tower E o homem enforcado sorri The moon and sun divided The moon and sun divided Amantes na torre Let the fool decide Let the fool decide A lua e o sol divididos, deixe o tolo decidir In the atom circle In the atom circle No círculo atômico Where we break the stars Where we break the stars Onde nós quebramos as estrelas Hammer into anvil, stuffing out the sun Hammer into anvil, stuffing out the sun Martelo na bigorna, enchendo o sol Witness all the killing Witness all the killing Testemunhe toda a matança See the birth of Mars See the birth of Mars Veja o nascimento de Marte Our religion thrown into the fire Our religion thrown into the fire Nossa religião lançada ao fogo The fountain, the trinity The fountain, the trinity A fonte, a trindade The pilgrim is searching for blood The pilgrim is searching for blood O peregrino está procurando por sangue To look for his own free will To look for his own free will (Procurando pelo sangue dele) The stone of infinity, washed in the flood The stone of infinity, washed in the flood Para procurar o seu próprio livre arbítrio Lovers in the tower Lovers in the tower A pedra da infinidade, banhada no dilúvio The moon and sun divided The moon and sun divided Amantes na torre The hanged man smiles The hanged man smiles A lua e o sol divididos, o homem enforcado sorri Lovers in the tower Lovers in the tower Amantes na torre The moon and sun divided The moon and sun divided A lua e o sol divididos, o mago sorri The magician laughs The magician laughs Amantes na torre Lovers in the tower Lovers in the tower A lua e o sol divididos, e a sacerdotisa se ajoelha The moon and sun divided The moon and sun divided (a sacerdotisa se ajoelha) And the priestess kneels And the priestess kneels Amantes na torre Lovers in the tower Lovers in the tower A lua e o sol divididos, deixe o tolo decidir The moon and sun divided The moon and sun divided Amantes na torre Let the fool decide Let the fool decide A lua e o sol divididos, Lovers in the tower Lovers in the tower E o homem enforcado sorri The moon and sun divided The moon and sun divided Amantes na torre And the hanged man smiles And the hanged man smiles A lua e o sol divididos, deixe o tolo decidir Lovers in the tower Lovers in the tower Amantes na torre The moon and sun divided The moon and sun divided A lua e o sol divididos, e a sacerdotisa se ajoelha Let the fool decide Let the fool decide Para receber Lovers in the tower Lovers in the tower Amantes na torre The moon and sun divided The moon and sun divided A lua e o sol divididos The priestess kneels to receive The priestess kneels to receive A sacerdotisa se ajoelha para receber Lovers in the tower Lovers in the tower Amantes na torre The moon and sun divided The moon and sun divided A lua e o sol divididos The magician laughs The magician laughs O mago sorri.

Composição: Bruce Dickinson/Roy Z

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