Trapped inside a web of fiery gravity that fuels all our needs Trapped inside a web of fiery gravity that fuels all our needs Atrapado dentro de una red de gravedad de fuego que alimenta todas nuestras necesidades chaotic energy that sucks the life from H to He chaotic energy that sucks the life from H to He energía caótica que absorbe la vida de él para H all life withers in the sun all life withers in the sun todo se marchita la vida bajo el sol I deny what I have done I deny what I have done Niego lo que he hecho spend my days and nights spend my days and nights Paso mis días y noches in roaring halls of crimson life in roaring halls of crimson life en las salas de rugido de la vida carmesí solar confinement solar confinement confinamiento solar solar confinement, solar confinement solar confinement, solar confinement confinamiento solar, aislamiento solar solar distress flares solar distress flares las erupciones solares angustia I've slept with many strangers I've slept with many strangers Me he acostado con muchos extranjeros so fission fusion fission makes good sense so fission fusion fission makes good sense manera que la fisión fisión fusión tiene sentido where I laid my head my troubles where I laid my head my troubles donde puse mi cabeza mis problemas I put down to experience I put down to experience Bajé a la experiencia it's cold and lonely in the sun it's cold and lonely in the sun hace frío y solitario en el sol deny what I have done deny what I have done negar lo que he hecho spend my days and nights spend my days and nights Paso mis días y noches in roaring halls of crimson life in roaring halls of crimson life en las salas de rugido de la vida carmesí a lonely boy sits in his room a lonely boy sits in his room un chico solitario se sienta en su habitación his curtains hide the sun his curtains hide the sun sus cortinas de tapar el sol confess to what you've done confess to what you've done Confieso que lo que ha hecho and no one understands and no one understands y nadie entiende