

A veces

You tell me you're in love with me You tell me you're in love with me Me dices que estás enamorado de mí like you can't take your pretty eyes away from me like you can't take your pretty eyes away from me como que no puede quitar los ojos muy lejos de mí it's not that I don't want to stay it's not that I don't want to stay no es que yo no me quiero quedar but every time you come too close I move away but every time you come too close I move away pero cada vez que se acercan demasiado me alejo I wanna believe in everything that you say I wanna believe in everything that you say Quiero creer en todo lo que usted dice 'cause it sounds so good 'cause it sounds so good Porque suena tan bien but if you really want me, move slow but if you really want me, move slow pero si realmente me quiere, mueva lenta there's things about me you just have to know there's things about me you just have to know hay cosas de mí que sólo hay que saber (CHORUS) (CHORUS) (CORO) sometimes I run sometimes I run a veces me quedo sometimes I hide sometimes I hide A veces me escondo sometimes I'm scared of you sometimes I'm scared of you a veces tengo miedo de ti but all I really want is to hold you tight but all I really want is to hold you tight pero todo lo que realmente quiero es abrazarte fuerte treat you right, be with you day and night treat you right, be with you day and night tratarte bien, estar contigo día y noche baby all I need is time baby all I need is time bebé todo lo que necesito es tiempo I don't wanna be so shy I don't wanna be so shy No quiero ser tan tímida every time that I'm alone I wonder why every time that I'm alone I wonder why cada vez que estoy sola me pregunto por qué hope that you will wait for me hope that you will wait for me Esperamos que esperar a que me you'll see that you're the only one for me you'll see that you're the only one for me verás que tú eres la única para mí I wanna believe in everything that you say I wanna believe in everything that you say Quiero creer en todo lo que usted dice 'cause it sounds so good 'cause it sounds so good Porque suena tan bien but if you really want me, move slow but if you really want me, move slow pero si realmente me quiere, mueva lenta there's things about me you just have to know there's things about me you just have to know hay cosas de mí que sólo hay que saber (CHORUS) (CHORUS) (CORO) just hang around and you'll see just hang around and you'll see simplemente colgar alrededor y verás there's nowhere I'd rather be there's nowhere I'd rather be no hay ningún lugar Prefiero ser if you love me, trust in me if you love me, trust in me si me amas, confía en mí the way that I trust in you the way that I trust in you la forma en que yo confío en ti (CHORUS 2X) (CHORUS 2X) (CORO 2X)

Composição: Jörgen Elofsson

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