


I have broken many promises, thrown caution to the wind I have broken many promises, thrown caution to the wind Quebrei muitas promessas, atirei-as ao vento sem cuidado Rebelled in my youth but here You come again Rebelled in my youth but here You come again Rebeldia na minha juventude, mas aqui você nasce novamente You are the meesage in the bottle, the light that never dims You are the meesage in the bottle, the light that never dims Você é a mensagem na garrafa, a luz que nunca apaga And though I let you down You'll always be my frind And though I let you down You'll always be my frind E, apesar de eu deixar você ficar Você será sempre meu amigo I will never forget, I will have no regrets I will never forget, I will have no regrets Jamais vou esquecer, não voltarei atrás Don't want to cheat anyone Don't want to cheat anyone Não quero enganar ninguém Don't wnat to steal from anyone Don't wnat to steal from anyone Não quero roubar de ninguém Don't want to lie Don't want to lie Não quero mentir Don't want to quit Don't want to quit Não quero sair Don't want to leave any doubt Don't want to leave any doubt Não quero deixar qualquer dúvida Put my faith in fairy tales, believed what I was told Put my faith in fairy tales, believed what I was told Colocava minha fé nos contos de fadas, achava que aconteceria I've watched the holy eat their own, suck the meat and lick the bone I've watched the holy eat their own, suck the meat and lick the bone Eu assisti meus santos devorarem a si próprios, lamber a carne e chupar os ossos There is only one voice my universal guide There is only one voice my universal guide Existe apenas uma voz no universo que me guia You've alway been beside me even when I wanted to die You've alway been beside me even when I wanted to die Você sempre esteve ao meu lado, mesmo quando eu quis morrer I will never forget, I will have no regrets I will never forget, I will have no regrets Jamais vou esquecer, não voltarei atrás Don't want to cheat anyone Don't want to cheat anyone Não quero enganar ninguém Don't wnat to steal from anyone Don't wnat to steal from anyone Não quero roubar de ninguém Don't want to lie Don't want to lie Não quero mentir Don't want to quit Don't want to quit Não quero sair Don't want to leave any doubt Don't want to leave any doubt Não quero deixar qualquer dúvida Don't want to step on anyone Don't want to step on anyone Não quero pisar em ninguém Don't want to hurt anyone Don't want to hurt anyone Não quero machucar ninguém Don't want to curse anyone Don't want to curse anyone Não quero amaldiçoar ninguém Don't want to leave any doubt Don't want to leave any doubt Não quero deixar qualquer dúvida Sometimes I itch and squirm to crawl out of my skin Sometimes I itch and squirm to crawl out of my skin Às vezes me contorço e me coço para rastejar fora de minha pele You put your arm around me like the air that I take in You put your arm around me like the air that I take in Você colocou seu braço em torno de mim como o ar que eu carrego Won't push no needle in my arm or bathe in gasoline Won't push no needle in my arm or bathe in gasoline Não empurre essa agulha no meu braço ou me banhe em gasolina Never swear in Jesus' name or hide behind the pain Never swear in Jesus' name or hide behind the pain Nunca juro em nome de Jesus ou me escondo atrás da dor Don't want to cheat anyone Don't want to cheat anyone Não quero enganar ninguém Don't want to steal from anyone Don't want to steal from anyone Não quero roubar de ninguém Don't want to step on anyone Don't want to step on anyone Não quero ninguém a passo Don't want to hurt anyone Don't want to hurt anyone Não quero machucar ninguém Don't wnat to curse anyone Don't wnat to curse anyone Não quero amaldiçoar ninguém Don't want to leave any doubt Don't want to leave any doubt Não quero deixar qualquer dúvida

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