The name's Garrett, I got moves like a ferret,
I'mma steal yo shit and I ain't gonna share it
Stickin' to the shadows, avoiding messy battles,
Slow on the flo' cause ya know shit rattles
Stuck in an era of vague specificity
Torches, swords, arrows—also electricity?
Gold's what I'm gonna get, I'm burgling a ton of it,
N' wearin' hard-soled shoes just for the fun of it
You got guards? Well, I got skills!
Getcha some chills when I head for the hills
With a wad o' your bills, for rillz!
A fat whack with a black jack from the back slaps all your cash smack
Into my knapsack
Guardsmen, Ghosts, everybody got beef
But it's all in a night's work
Bitch, I'm a thief
Silent and deadly as I am traversin'
With candlesticks, vases and coins upon my person
Don't I look dapper knockin' out your staffers?
Oh shit! (Get back here, you taffer!)
I was doin' this shit in the '90s, sucka
Assassin's Creed?
Yeah, you're welcome, motherfucka!
Jack a fat ring, pearls on a string, ring a ding ding,
I'm the jingling king of the bling-bling
Nightfall is here and it's time to begin it
Be scared of the dark 'cause I'm probably in it
Tomorrow you'll gaze at this place in disbelief
But I won't leave a trace 'cause bitch, I'm a thief