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Working Man's Blues #2

Hombre de Trabajo 's Blues # 2

There's an evenin' haze settlin' over town There's an evenin' haze settlin' over town Hay una de la tarde se settlin niebla " sobre la ciudad Starlight by the edge of the creek Starlight by the edge of the creek Starlight a la orilla del arroyo The buyin' power of the proletariat's gone down The buyin' power of the proletariat's gone down El buyin ' poder del proletariado se ha ido hacia abajo Money's gettin' shallow and weak Money's gettin' shallow and weak El dinero es gettin 'superficiales y débiles Well, the place I love best is a sweet memory Well, the place I love best is a sweet memory Bueno , el lugar que más quiero es un dulce recuerdo It's a new path that we trod It's a new path that we trod Es un nuevo camino que pisaron They say low wages are a reality They say low wages are a reality Dicen que los bajos salarios son una realidad If we want to compete abroad If we want to compete abroad Si queremos competir en el extranjero My cruel weapons have been put on the shelf My cruel weapons have been put on the shelf Mis armas crueles se han puesto en el estante Come sit down on my knee Come sit down on my knee Ven siéntate en mi rodilla You are dearer to me than myself You are dearer to me than myself Estás vale para mí más que yo As you yourself can see As you yourself can see Como usted mismo puede ver While I'm listening to the steel rails hum While I'm listening to the steel rails hum Mientras estoy escuchando el zumbido de rieles de acero Got both eyes tight shut Got both eyes tight shut Tienes dos ojos cerrados Just sitting here trying to keep the hunger from Just sitting here trying to keep the hunger from Apenas sentado aquí, tratando de mantener el hambre de Creeping it's way into my gut Creeping it's way into my gut Arrastrándose su camino en mis entrañas [Chorus:] [Chorus:] [ Estribillo: ] Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind Meet me at the bottom, don't lag behind Nos vemos en el fondo , no se quedan atrás Bring me my boots and shoes Bring me my boots and shoes Tráeme mis botas y zapatos You can hang back or fight your best on the frontline You can hang back or fight your best on the frontline Usted puede quedarse atrás o luchar mejor en la primera línea Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues Sing a little bit of these workingman's blues Canta un poco de blues estos de obrero Well, I'm sailin' on back, ready for the long haul Well, I'm sailin' on back, ready for the long haul Bueno, estoy sailin ' en la espalda , listo para el largo plazo Tossed by the winds and the seas Tossed by the winds and the seas Sacudido por los vientos y los mares I'll drag 'em all down to hell and I'll stand 'em at the wall I'll drag 'em all down to hell and I'll stand 'em at the wall Voy a arrastrar ' em todo al infierno y yo me quedaré ' em en la pared I'll sell 'em to their enemies I'll sell 'em to their enemies Voy a vender ' em a sus enemigos I'm tryin' to feed my soul with thought I'm tryin' to feed my soul with thought Estoy tratando de alimentar mi alma con el pensamiento Gonna sleep off the rest of the day Gonna sleep off the rest of the day Voy a dormir la mona el resto del día Sometimes no one wants what we got Sometimes no one wants what we got A veces nadie quiere lo que tenemos Sometimes you can't give it away Sometimes you can't give it away A veces no se puede regalar Now the place is ringed with countless foes Now the place is ringed with countless foes Ahora el lugar está rodeado de enemigos innumerables Some of them may be deaf and dumb Some of them may be deaf and dumb Algunos de ellos pueden ser sordos y mudos No man, no woman knows No man, no woman knows Ningún hombre , ninguna mujer sabe The hour that sorrow will come The hour that sorrow will come La hora que la tristeza vendrá In the dark I hear the night birds call In the dark I hear the night birds call En la oscuridad, Escucha las aves nocturnas llamadas I can feel a lover's breath I can feel a lover's breath Puedo sentir el aliento de un amante I sleep in the kitchen with my feet in the hall I sleep in the kitchen with my feet in the hall Duermo en la cocina con los pies en el pasillo Sleep is like a temporary death Sleep is like a temporary death El sueño es como una muerte temporal [Chorus] [Chorus] [ Chorus] Well, they burned my barn, and they stole my horse Well, they burned my barn, and they stole my horse Bueno , quemaron mi granero , y se robaron mi caballo I can't save a dime I can't save a dime No puedo guardar una moneda de diez centavos I got to be careful, I don't want to be forced I got to be careful, I don't want to be forced Tengo que ser cuidadoso, no quiero ser obligado Into a life of continual crime Into a life of continual crime En una vida de delincuencia continua I can see for myself that the sun is sinking I can see for myself that the sun is sinking Yo puedo ver por mí mismo que el sol se hunde How I wish you were here to see How I wish you were here to see ¡Cómo me gustaría que estuvieras aquí para ver Tell me now, am I wrong in thinking Tell me now, am I wrong in thinking Decidme ahora , ¿estoy equivocado al pensar That you have forgotten me? That you have forgotten me? Que usted ha olvidado de mí? Now they worry and they hurry and they fuss and they fret Now they worry and they hurry and they fuss and they fret Ahora la preocupación y la prisa que ellos y se queja y se preocupe They waste your nights and days They waste your nights and days Pierden sus noches y días Them I will forget Them I will forget Ellos me olvidaré But you I'll remember always But you I'll remember always Pero voy a recordar siempre Old memories of you to me have clung Old memories of you to me have clung Viejos recuerdos de los que me han aferrado You've wounded me with your words You've wounded me with your words Me has herido con sus palabras Gonna have to straighten out your tongue Gonna have to straighten out your tongue Vas a tener que arreglar la lengua It's all true, everything you've heard It's all true, everything you've heard Todo es verdad , todo lo que has oído [Chorus] [Chorus] [ Chorus] In you, my friend, I find no blame In you, my friend, I find no blame En ti, mi amigo , no encuentro culpa Wanna look in my eyes, please do Wanna look in my eyes, please do ¿Quieres mirar en mis ojos , por favor No one can ever claim No one can ever claim Nadie puede reclamar That I took up arms against you That I took up arms against you Que se levantaron en armas en contra de usted All across the peaceful sacred fields All across the peaceful sacred fields Todos a través de los campos sagrados pacífica They will lay you low They will lay you low Le Lay Low They'll break your horns and slash you with steel They'll break your horns and slash you with steel Van a romper los cuernos y la barra que con el acero I say it so it must be so I say it so it must be so Lo digo por lo que debe ser tan Now I'm down on my luck and I'm black and blue Now I'm down on my luck and I'm black and blue Ahora estoy abajo en mi suerte y yo soy negro y azul Gonna give you another chance Gonna give you another chance Te voy a dar otra oportunidad I'm all alone and I'm expecting you I'm all alone and I'm expecting you Estoy solo y estoy esperando To lead me off in a cheerful dance To lead me off in a cheerful dance Dirigir me fuera en un baile alegre I got a brand new suit and a brand new wife I got a brand new suit and a brand new wife Tengo un traje nuevo y la mujer una nueva marca I can live on rice and beans I can live on rice and beans Puedo vivir de arroz y frijoles Some people never worked a day in their life Some people never worked a day in their life Algunas personas nunca trabajó un día en su vida Don't know what work even means Don't know what work even means No sabe lo que significa trabajar aún [Chorus] [Chorus] [ Chorus]

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