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With God On Our Side

Com Deus Do Nosso Lado

Oh my name it is nothin' Oh my name it is nothin' Oh, meu nome é nada, My age it means less My age it means less minha idade, menos ainda The country I come from The country I come from O país do qual vim Is called the Midwest Is called the Midwest se chama Meio Oeste, I's taught and brought up there I's taught and brought up there Fui ensinado e criado lá The laws to abide The laws to abide para as leis obedecer And that land that I live in And that land that I live in E a terra em que eu vivo Has God on its side. Has God on its side. tem Deus do seu lado Oh the history books tell it Oh the history books tell it Oh, os livros de história descrevem, They tell it so well They tell it so well eles contam tão bem The cavalries charged The cavalries charged Os ataques da cavalaria The Indians fell The Indians fell e os índios que caíram The cavalries charged The cavalries charged Os ataques da cavalaria The Indians died The Indians died e os índios que morreram Oh the country was young Oh the country was young Oh, o país era jovem With God on its side. With God on its side. com Deus do seu lado Oh the Spanish-American Oh the Spanish-American Oh, A Guerra Espanhola-Americana War had its day War had its day teve seu dia And the Civil War too And the Civil War too E a Guerra Civil também Was soon laid away Was soon laid away logo se foi And the names of the heroes And the names of the heroes E os nomes dos heróis I's made to memorize I's made to memorize que fui obrigado a memorizar With guns in their hands With guns in their hands Com armas em suas mãos And God on their side. And God on their side. e Deus do seu lado Oh the First World War, boys Oh the First World War, boys Oh, A Primeira Guerra Mundial, rapazes, It closed out its fate It closed out its fate lacrou nosso destino The reason for fighting The reason for fighting A razão por lutar, I never got straight I never got straight eu nunca entendi But I learned to accept it But I learned to accept it Mas aprendi a aceitá-la e Accept it with pride Accept it with pride aceitá-la com orgulho For you don't count the dead For you don't count the dead Pois não se contam os mortos When God's on your side. When God's on your side. Quando Deus está do seu lado When the Second World War When the Second World War A Segunda Guerra Mundial Came to an end Came to an end chegou ao seu final We forgave the Germans We forgave the Germans Perdoamos os alemães And we were friends And we were friends e nos tornamos amigos Though they murdered six million Though they murdered six million Embora eles tenham matado seis milhões In the ovens they fried In the ovens they fried Nos fornos que fritaram, The Germans now too The Germans now too Os alemães agora também Have God on their side. Have God on their side. têm Deus ao seu lado I've learned to hate Russians I've learned to hate Russians Aprendi a odiar os russos All through my whole life All through my whole life Por toda minha vida If another war starts If another war starts Se outra guerra começar It's them we must fight It's them we must fight serão eles que iremos enfrentar To hate them and fear them To hate them and fear them Para odiá-los e temê-los, To run and to hide To run and to hide para correr e se esconder, And accept it all bravely And accept it all bravely E aceitar tudo bravamente, With God on my side. With God on my side. com Deus ao meu lado But now we got weapons But now we got weapons Mas agora temos armas Of the chemical dust Of the chemical dust de poeira química If fire them we're forced to If fire them we're forced to Se obrigados a atirá-las, Then fire them we must Then fire them we must então atirá-las devemos One push of the button One push of the button Um apertar de botão, And a shot the world wide And a shot the world wide e explode-se o mundo inteiro And you never ask questions And you never ask questions E você nunca faz perguntas, When God's on your side. When God's on your side. Quando Deus está do seu lado In a many dark hour In a many dark hour Nas horas de trevas I've been thinkin' about this I've been thinkin' about this ando pensando sobre isso: That Jesus Christ That Jesus Christ Que Jesus Cristo Was betrayed by a kiss Was betrayed by a kiss foi traído por um beijo But I can't think for you But I can't think for you Mas não posso pensar por você, You'll have to decide You'll have to decide é você que precisa decidir: Whether Judas Iscariot Whether Judas Iscariot Se Judas Iscariotes Had God on his side. Had God on his side. tinha Deus do seu lado So now as I'm leavin' So now as I'm leavin' Portanto agora estou me despedindo... I'm weary as Hell I'm weary as Hell Estou cansado pra diabos. The confusion I'm feelin' The confusion I'm feelin' A confusão que sinto, Ain't no tongue can tell Ain't no tongue can tell nenhuma língua conseguiria descrever The words fill my head The words fill my head As palavras enchem minha cabeça And fall to the floor And fall to the floor e se derramam sobre o chão: If God's on our side If God's on our side Se Deus está do nosso lado, He'll stop the next war. He'll stop the next war. ele impedirá a próxima guerra

Composição: Bob Dylan

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