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When I Paint My Masterpiece

Cuando pinto mi obra maestra

Oh, the streets of Rome are filled with rubble, Oh, the streets of Rome are filled with rubble, ¡Oh, las calles de Roma están llenos de escombros, Ancient footprints are everywhere. Ancient footprints are everywhere. Antiguas huellas están por todas partes . You can almost think that you're seein' double You can almost think that you're seein' double Casi se puede pensar que estás viendo doble On a cold, dark night on the Spanish Stairs. On a cold, dark night on the Spanish Stairs. En una noche fría y oscura en la escalera español. Got to hurry on back to my hotel room, Got to hurry on back to my hotel room, Date prisa en volver a mi habitación de hotel , Where I've got me a date with Botticelli's niece. Where I've got me a date with Botticelli's niece. ¿Dónde me tengo una fecha con la sobrina de Botticelli. She promised that she'd be right there with me She promised that she'd be right there with me Ella prometió que estaría ahí conmigo When I paint my masterpiece. When I paint my masterpiece. Cuando pinto mi obra maestra . Oh, the hours I've spent inside the Coliseum, Oh, the hours I've spent inside the Coliseum, ¡Oh, las horas que he pasado en el interior del Coliseo, Dodging lions and wastin' time. Dodging lions and wastin' time. Esquivando los leones y desperdiciando el tiempo. Oh, those mighty kings of the jungle, I could hardly stand to see 'em, Oh, those mighty kings of the jungle, I could hardly stand to see 'em, ¡Oh, esos reyes poderosos de la selva, casi no podía soportar ver a 'em , Yes, it sure has been a long, hard climb. Yes, it sure has been a long, hard climb. Sí , seguro que ha sido una subida larga y dura. Train wheels runnin' through the back of my memory, Train wheels runnin' through the back of my memory, Train Runnin ruedas a través de la parte posterior de la memoria, When I ran on the hilltop following a pack of wild geese. When I ran on the hilltop following a pack of wild geese. Cuando me encontré en la cima después de una manada de gansos salvajes . Someday, everything is gonna be smooth like a rhapsody Someday, everything is gonna be smooth like a rhapsody Algún día, todo va a ser suave como una rapsodia When I paint my masterpiece. When I paint my masterpiece. Cuando pinto mi obra maestra . Sailin' 'round the world in a dirty gondola. Sailin' 'round the world in a dirty gondola. " Sailin ' la vuelta al mundo en una góndola sucio. Oh, to be back in the land of Coca-Cola! Oh, to be back in the land of Coca-Cola! Oh, estar de vuelta en la tierra de Coca -Cola ! I left Rome and landed in Brussels, I left Rome and landed in Brussels, Salí de Roma y aterrizó en Bruselas, On a plane ride so bumpy that I almost cried. On a plane ride so bumpy that I almost cried. En un viaje en avión para baches que casi me gritó . Clergymen in uniform and young girls pullin' muscles, Clergymen in uniform and young girls pullin' muscles, Los clérigos en el pullin niñas uniforme y jóvenes músculos, Everyone was there to greet me when I stepped inside. Everyone was there to greet me when I stepped inside. Todo el mundo estaba allí para saludarme cuando yo entré. Newspapermen eating candy Newspapermen eating candy Los periodistas de comer dulces Had to be held down by big police. Had to be held down by big police. Tenía que ser celebrado por la policía grandes . Someday, everything is gonna be diff'rent Someday, everything is gonna be diff'rent Algún día, todo va a estar Diff'rent When I paint my masterpiece. When I paint my masterpiece. Cuando pinto mi obra maestra .

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