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Crossing the Rubicon

Atravessando o Rubicão

I crossed the Rubicon on a 14 day I crossed the Rubicon on a 14 day Eu cruzei o Rubicon em um dia 14 Of the most dangerous month of the year Of the most dangerous month of the year Do mês mais perigoso do ano At the worst time, at the worst place At the worst time, at the worst place No pior momento, no pior lugar That's all I seem to hear That's all I seem to hear Isso é tudo que eu pareço ouvir I go to Berlin I go to Berlin Eu vou para berlim So I can greet the Goddess of the dawn So I can greet the Goddess of the dawn Para que eu possa cumprimentar a deusa do amanhecer I've been in my wagon, abandon all hope I've been in my wagon, abandon all hope Eu estive na minha carroça, abandone toda a esperança And I crossed the Rubicon And I crossed the Rubicon E eu atravessei o Rubicon Well, the Rubicon is a red river Well, the Rubicon is a red river Bem, o Rubicon é um rio vermelho Goin' gently as she flows Goin' gently as she flows Indo suavemente enquanto ela flui Rather than your ruby lips Rather than your ruby lips Em vez de seus lábios de rubi And our blood that flows from the rose And our blood that flows from the rose E nosso sangue que flui da rosa Three miles north of purgatory Three miles north of purgatory Três milhas ao norte do purgatório One step from the great beyond One step from the great beyond Um passo do grande além I prayed to the cross, I kissed the girls I prayed to the cross, I kissed the girls Rezei para a cruz, beijei as meninas And I crossed the Rubicon And I crossed the Rubicon E eu atravessei o Rubicon What are these donkeys I see? What are these donkeys I see? O que são esses burros que eu vejo? In this world so badly [?] In this world so badly [?] Neste mundo tão mal [?] How can I relieve the time? How can I relieve the time? Como posso aliviar o tempo? The times so idly spent The times so idly spent Os tempos tão ociosamente gastos How much longer can it last? How much longer can it last? Quanto tempo isso pode durar? How long can it go on? How long can it go on? Quanto tempo isso pode durar? I embrace my love I embrace my love Eu abraço meu amor Put down my hair Put down my hair Largue meu cabelo And I crossed the Rubicon And I crossed the Rubicon E eu atravessei o Rubicon I can feel the bones beneath my skin I can feel the bones beneath my skin Eu posso sentir os ossos debaixo da minha pele And they're tremblin' with rage And they're tremblin' with rage E eles estão tremendo de raiva I'll make your wife a widow I'll make your wife a widow Vou fazer da sua esposa uma viúva You'll never see who it is You'll never see who it is Você nunca verá quem é Show me one good man in sight Show me one good man in sight Mostre-me um homem bom à vista As the Sun shines down upon As the Sun shines down upon Enquanto o sol brilha sobre Upon my watch, I paid my debts Upon my watch, I paid my debts No meu relógio, eu paguei minhas dívidas And I crossed the Rubicon And I crossed the Rubicon E eu atravessei o Rubicon Put my height up on a hill Put my height up on a hill Coloque minha altura em uma colina Where some happiness I'll find Where some happiness I'll find Onde alguma felicidade eu encontrarei If I survive, then let me love If I survive, then let me love Se eu sobreviver, então deixe-me amar Let the hour be mine Let the hour be mine Deixe a hora ser minha Take the high road Take the high road Pegue a estrada Take the low Take the low Pegue o baixo Take a, any one you're on Take a, any one you're on Pegue um, qualquer um que você estiver I poured a cup I poured a cup Eu derramei um copo I passed it along I passed it along Eu passei And I crossed the Rubicon And I crossed the Rubicon E eu atravessei o Rubicon Well, you defiled the rose, lovely flower Well, you defiled the rose, lovely flower Bem, você contaminou a rosa, linda flor And I live womanhood And I live womanhood E eu vivo feminilidade Oh, the skin be tolerant Oh, the skin be tolerant Oh, a pele seja tolerante Oh, the skin be good Oh, the skin be good Oh, a pele seja boa I catch you up before the crooked knife I catch you up before the crooked knife Eu te pego diante da faca torta Lord, that I miss ya Lord, that I miss ya Senhor, que sinto sua falta What are you, gone? What are you, gone? O que você se foi? I stood between heaven and earth I stood between heaven and earth Eu fiquei entre o céu e a terra And I crossed the Rubicon And I crossed the Rubicon E eu atravessei o Rubicon You won't find any happiness here You won't find any happiness here Você não encontrará nenhuma felicidade aqui No happiness or joy No happiness or joy Sem felicidade ou alegria Go back to the gutter, try your luck Go back to the gutter, try your luck Volte para a sarjeta, tente a sua sorte Find you some nice Philly boy Find you some nice Philly boy Encontre um bom garoto Philly Tell me how many men I need Tell me how many men I need Diga-me quantos homens eu preciso And who's in our [?] And who's in our [?] E quem está no nosso [?] I stabbed my belt, I buttoned my coat I stabbed my belt, I buttoned my coat Eu apunhalei meu cinto, abotoei meu casaco And I crossed the Rubicon And I crossed the Rubicon E eu atravessei o Rubicon I feel the holy spirit inside I feel the holy spirit inside Sinto o espírito santo por dentro See the light that freedom gives See the light that freedom gives Veja a luz que a liberdade dá I believe it's in the reach of I believe it's in the reach of Eu acredito que está ao alcance de Ever' man who lives Ever' man who lives Sempre homem que vive Keep as far away as possible Keep as far away as possible Mantenha o mais longe possível As dark as for the dawn As dark as for the dawn Tão escuro quanto para o amanhecer (Oh no) I tear the key and broke it off (Oh no) I tear the key and broke it off (Oh não) Eu arranco a chave e a interrompi And I crossed the Rubicon And I crossed the Rubicon E eu atravessei o Rubicon Mornin' baby, I used to look my mind Mornin' baby, I used to look my mind De manhã, baby, eu costumava olhar em minha mente I truly believe that you are I truly believe that you are Eu realmente acredito que você é Couldn't be anybody else but you who's come with me this far Couldn't be anybody else but you who's come with me this far Não poderia ser mais ninguém além de você que veio comigo até aqui They're killin' fosters underground They're killin' fosters underground Eles estão matando adotivos no subsolo Honey, how the leaves are gone Honey, how the leaves are gone Querida, como as folhas se foram I lived the torture, looked at the east I lived the torture, looked at the east Eu vivi a tortura, olhei para o leste And I crossed the Rubicon And I crossed the Rubicon E eu atravessei o Rubicon

Composição: Bob Dylan

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