
How The World Works

Como o Mundo Funciona

Hey, kids Hey, kids Ei crianças Today, we're gonna learn about the world Today, we're gonna learn about the world Hoje, vamos aprender sobre o mundo The world that's around us is pretty amazing The world that's around us is pretty amazing O mundo que nos rodeia é incrível But how does it work? It must be comp-a-licated But how does it work? It must be comp-a-licated Mas como isso funciona? Deve ser compilado The secret is the world can only work The secret is the world can only work O segredo é que o mundo só pode funcionar When everything works together When everything works together Quando tudo funciona junto A bee drinks from a flower and leaves with its pollen A bee drinks from a flower and leaves with its pollen Uma abelha bebe de uma flor e sai com seu pólen A squirrel in a tree spreads the seeds that have fallen A squirrel in a tree spreads the seeds that have fallen Um esquilo em uma árvore espalha as sementes que caíram Everything works together Everything works together Tudo funciona junto The biggest elephant, the littlest fly The biggest elephant, the littlest fly O maior elefante, a menor mosca The gophers underground, the birds in the sky The gophers underground, the birds in the sky Os esquilos no subsolo, os pássaros no céu And every single cricket, every fish in the sea And every single cricket, every fish in the sea E cada grilo, cada peixe do mar Gives what they can and gets what they need Gives what they can and gets what they need Dá o que pode e consegue o que precisa That is how the world works That is how the world works É assim que o mundo funciona That is how the world works That is how the world works É assim que o mundo funciona From A to zebra to the worms in the dirt From A to zebra to the worms in the dirt De A à zebra aos vermes na sujeira That's how it works That's how it works É assim que funciona Hey, everyone, look who stopped by to say hello! It's Socko! Hey, everyone, look who stopped by to say hello! It's Socko! Ei, pessoal, vejam quem passou por aqui para dizer olá! É o Socko! Hey! Hey! Ei! Where you been, Socko? Where you been, Socko? Onde você esteve, Socko? I've been where I always am when you're not wearing me on your hand I've been where I always am when you're not wearing me on your hand Eu estive onde sempre estou quando você não está me usando em suas mãos In a frightening, liminal space between states of being! In a frightening, liminal space between states of being! Em um espaço assustador e liminar entre estados de ser! Not quite dead, not quite alive! Not quite dead, not quite alive! Não totalmente morto, não totalmente vivo! É semelhante a um estado constante de paralisia do sono It's similar to a constant state of sleep paralysis It's similar to a constant state of sleep paralysis Socko, estávamos falando sobre o mundo e como ele funciona Socko, we were just talking about the world and how it works Socko, we were just talking about the world and how it works Rapaz, isso parece complicado! Boy, that sounds complicated! Boy, that sounds complicated! Você tem algo que gostaria de nos ensinar sobre o mundo? Do you have anything you'd want to teach us about the world? Do you have anything you'd want to teach us about the world? Eu não diria nada que você provavelmente já não tenha dito I wouldn't say anything that you probably haven't already said yourself I wouldn't say anything that you probably haven't already said yourself Eu não sei sobre isso Socko I don't know about that, Socko I don't know about that, Socko Que tal você tentar? How about you give it a try? How about you give it a try? Bem! Alright! Alright! A narrativa simples ensinada em todas as aulas de história The simple narrative taught in every history class The simple narrative taught in every history class É comprovadamente falsa e pedagogicamente classicista Is demonstrably false and pedagogically classist Is demonstrably false and pedagogically classist Você não sabe? O mundo é feito de sangue! E genocídio e exploração! Don't you know? The world is built with blood! Don't you know? The world is built with blood! A rede global de capital funciona essencialmente And genocide and exploitation! And genocide and exploitation! Para separar o trabalhador dos meios de produção The global network of capital essentially functions The global network of capital essentially functions E o FBI matou Martin Luther King To separate the worker from the means of production To separate the worker from the means of production Propriedade privada é inerentemente roubo And the FBI killed Martin Luther King And the FBI killed Martin Luther King E fascistas neoliberais estão destruindo a esquerda Private property's inherently theft Private property's inherently theft E cada político, cada policial na rua And neoliberal fascists are destroying the left And neoliberal fascists are destroying the left Protege os interesses da elite corporativa pedófila And every politician, every cop on the street And every politician, every cop on the street É assim que o mundo funciona (sério?) Protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate elite Protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate elite É assim que o mundo funciona That is how the world works (really?) That is how the world works (really?) Genocídio dos Nativos, diga que você conseguiu primeiro That is how the world works That is how the world works É assim que funciona Genocide the Natives, say you got to it first Genocide the Natives, say you got to it first Isso é muito intenso That's how it works That's how it works Não brinca! That's pretty intense That's pretty intense O que posso fazer para ajudar? No shit! No shit! Leia um livro ou algo assim, não sei What can I do to help? What can I do to help? Só não me sobrecarregue com a responsabilidade de educá-lo. É extremamente cansativo! Read a book or something, I don't know Read a book or something, I don't know Sinto muito, Socko, eu estava apenas tentando me tornar uma pessoa melhor Just don't burden me with the responsibility of educating you Just don't burden me with the responsibility of educating you Por que vocês, brancos de merda, ricos insistem em ver todos os conflitos sociopolíticos It's incredibly exhausting! It's incredibly exhausting! Através das lentes míopes de sua própria autoatualização? I'm sorry, Socko, I was just trying to become a better person I'm sorry, Socko, I was just trying to become a better person Isso não é sobre você! Então vá em frente ou saia da porra do caminho! Why do you rich fucking white people insist on seeing every socio-political conflict Why do you rich fucking white people insist on seeing every socio-political conflict Cuidado com a boca amigo Through the myopic lens of your own self-actualization? Through the myopic lens of your own self-actualization? Lembre-se de quem está nas mãos de quem aqui This isn't about you! So either get with it or get out of the fucking way! This isn't about you! So either get with it or get out of the fucking way! Mas é isso que eu... Você não está ouvindo? Estamos entrincheirados em - Watch your mouth, buddy Watch your mouth, buddy Bem! Bem! Espere, espere, espere! Não por favor! Remember who's on whose hand here Remember who's on whose hand here Eu não quero voltar, por favor! Eu não posso ir - eu não posso voltar! Por favor! Por favor But that's what I— Have you not been fucking listening? We are entrenched in— But that's what I— Have you not been fucking listening? We are entrenched in— Eu sinto Muito Alright! Alright! Wait, wait, wait! No, please! Alright! Alright! Wait, wait, wait! No, please! Você vai se comportar? I don't wanna go back, please! I don't wanna go back, please! Sim I can't go— I can't go back! Please! Please I can't go— I can't go back! Please! Please Sim, o que? I'm sorry I'm sorry Sim, s- Are you gonna behave yourself? Are you gonna behave yourself? Olhe para mim Yes Yes Sim senhor Yes, what? Yes, what? Isso é melhor Yes, s- Yes, s- É assim que o mundo funciona Look at me Look at me É assim que o mundo funciona Yes, sir Yes, sir Espero que você tenha aprendido a lição! (Sim, e doeu!) That's better That's better É assim que funciona That is how the world works That is how the world works Não! Não! That is how the world works That is how the world works I hope you learned your lesson! (I did, and it hurt!) I hope you learned your lesson! (I did, and it hurt!) That's how it works That's how it works No! No! No! No!

Composição: Bo Burnham

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