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Blue Oyster Cult

Blue Öyster Cult

I am becalmed in virtue I am becalmed in virtue Eu sou acalmado em virtude Lost to nothing on a bay of dreams Lost to nothing on a bay of dreams Não perdido a nada em uma baía de sonhos Warm weather and a holocaust Warm weather and a holocaust Tempo morno e um holocausto The tears of god flow as i bleed The tears of god flow as i bleed As lágrimas de fluxo de deus como i sangram Left to die by two good friends Left to die by two good friends Partido para morrer por dois amigos bons Abandoned me and put to sleep Abandoned me and put to sleep Me abandonado e pôs para dormir On a shore where oyster beds On a shore where oyster beds Em uma costa onde camas de ostra Seem plush as down Seem plush as down Pareça de pelúcia como abaixo And ripe enough for the luxor dream And ripe enough for the luxor dream E maduro bastante para o sonho de luxo Recall the dream of luxor Recall the dream of luxor Recorde o sonho de luxo How fluids will arrive How fluids will arrive Como fluidos chegarão As if by call or schedule As if by call or schedule Como se por chamada ou horário Resume through the morning tide Resume through the morning tide Retome pela maré matutina Where entry is by seaweed gate Where entry is by seaweed gate Onde entrada está através de portão de alga And plan the plan of dreams And plan the plan of dreams E planeja o plano de sonhos To lose oneself in reverb To lose oneself in reverb Perder a si mesmo In all that is and all that seems In all that is and all that seems Em tudo aquilo é e tudo aquilo parece So ladies, fish, and gentlemen So ladies, fish, and gentlemen Assim as senhoras, peixes, e cavalheiros Here's my angled dream Here's my angled dream Aqui é meu sonho To see me in the blue sky bag To see me in the blue sky bag Me ver na bolsa de céu azul And meet me by the sea And meet me by the sea E me conhece pelo mar The oyster boys are swimming now The oyster boys are swimming now Os meninos de ostra estão nadando agora To claim me back from the dead To claim me back from the dead Me reivindicar atrás do morto The creatures back from vertigo The creatures back from vertigo As criaturas atrás de vertigem They fear to fall but haven't fell They fear to fall but haven't fell Eles temem cair mas ter não caia Will reclaim tries and try again Will reclaim tries and try again Reforme provas e tente novamente The oyster boys are swimming now The oyster boys are swimming now Os meninos de ostra estão nadando agora Hear them chatter on the tide Hear them chatter on the tide Os ouça tagarelarem na maré Of the lost and language lost Of the lost and language lost Do perdido e idioma perdeu Hear them chatter on the tide Hear them chatter on the tide Os ouça tagarelarem na maré We understand, we understand, we understand We understand, we understand, we understand Nós entendemos, nós entendemos, nós entendemos And so do i And so do i E assim eu faço We understand, we understand We understand, we understand Nós entendemos, nós entendemos But fright is real But fright is real Mas medo é real And so am i And so am i E assim eu sou So ladies, fish, and gentlemen So ladies, fish, and gentlemen Assim as senhoras, peixes, e cavalheiros Here's my angled dream Here's my angled dream Aqui é meu sonho To see me in the blue sky bag To see me in the blue sky bag Me ver na bolsa de céu azul And meet me by the sea And meet me by the sea E me conhece pelo mar The entry to lost vestibule The entry to lost vestibule A entrada para vestíbulo perdido Opens on the bay Opens on the bay Abre na baía An instant shape of mercury An instant shape of mercury Uma forma imediata de mercúrio Lost and then retained Lost and then retained Perdido e então reteve An instant is an eyelash An instant is an eyelash Um momento é um cílio Caught on the tide Caught on the tide Tido êxito a maré Imaginos! Imaginos! Imagine! Below this bay Below this bay Debaixo desta baía And then besides... And then besides... E então além de... The oyster boys are swimming now The oyster boys are swimming now Os meninos de ostra estão nadando agora One deal is what we made One deal is what we made Uma transação é o que nós fizemos Forest keys and whirlwind cold Forest keys and whirlwind cold Chaves de floresta e resfriado de vendaval Green keys too and keys of gold Green keys too and keys of gold Chaves verdes também e chaves de ouro Even locks that won't explode Even locks that won't explode Até mesmo fechaduras que não explodirão When the skies become a scroll When the skies become a scroll Quando os céus se tornam um rolo de papel Having lost its interest Having lost its interest Tendo perdido seu interesse See that's the deal we See that's the deal we Veja isso é a transação nós

Composição: Eric Bloom/Sandy Pearlman

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