
Stuck In a Hard Place

Pegado en la pared de una roca

Stuck in a hard place on a rock Stuck in a hard place on a rock Pegado en la pared de una roca I cant't find it I cant't find it Me parece cant't Staring at the party Staring at the party Mirando a la parte I'm looking for love I'm looking for love Estoy buscando el amor I can't find it I can't find it Yo no lo encuentro Stuck in a hard place on a rock Stuck in a hard place on a rock Pegado en la pared de una roca In the darkness and drizzle In the darkness and drizzle En la oscuridad y la llovizna At the bars, making a pop At the bars, making a pop En las barras, lo que hace un pop But all you suckers will fizzle But all you suckers will fizzle Pero todo lo que los retoños se diluya You will fizzle You will fizzle Usted fizzle You're missing your memories You're missing your memories Te estás perdiendo tus recuerdos You can't remember your name You can't remember your name Usted no puede recordar su nombre You've changed your tune You've changed your tune Usted ha cambiado su composición But you've stayed the same But you've stayed the same Pero usted ha permanecido igual Throw off your dead skin Throw off your dead skin Deshacerse de su piel muerta Like a chrysalis Like a chrysalis Como una crisálida Metamorphosis Metamorphosis Metamorphosis No use resisting this No use resisting this No usar resisten a esta Your mind is ephemeral Your mind is ephemeral Tu mente es efímero You can't remember the game You can't remember the game Usted no puede recordar el juego You've peaked too soon You've peaked too soon Has alcanzó su punto máximo demasiado pronto But you've stayed the same But you've stayed the same Pero usted ha permanecido igual Throw off your dead weight Throw off your dead weight Deshacerse de su peso muerto From the precipice From the precipice Desde el precipicio Metamorphosis Metamorphosis Metamorphosis No use resisting this No use resisting this No usar resisten a esta

Composição: MC Jabber/Bo Rande/Tobias Wilner

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