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The Soulforged

A alma forjada

I'm not insane I'm not insane Eu não estou louco That's how it seems though That's how it seems though Apesar de parecer Spiteful cruel but wise Spiteful cruel but wise Vingativo, cruel mas sábio Beyond his age Beyond his age Além de sua idade My body fails My body fails Meu corpo falha My soul will rise My soul will rise Minha alma se erguerá The end of life's immortalized disease and agony The end of life's immortalized disease and agony O fim da vida imortalizado doença e agonia And I see death through golden eyes And I see death through golden eyes E eu vejo morte através de olhos dourados Beyond the door Beyond the door Além da porta There's something more There's something more Há algo mais It seems there's just one way It seems there's just one way Parece que só há um caminho On through the heat On through the heat Através do calor I've felt the touch of evil I've felt the touch of evil Eu senti o toque do mal I still feel the icy claw in me I still feel the icy claw in me Eu ainda sinto a garra gelada em mim For a decent price For a decent price Por um preço decente I've banned kindness from my heart I've banned kindness from my heart Eu bani a bondade de meu coração The spirit of all truth and beauty The spirit of all truth and beauty O espírito de toda a verdade e beleza Pawned for my desire Pawned for my desire Penhorado pelo meu desejo And from the flames And from the flames E das chamas As chance would have it As chance would have it Que chance teria the soulforged will come into light the soulforged will come into light A alma forjada virá para a luz And from the flames as chance would have it And from the flames as chance would have it E das chamas que chance teria The soulforged, The soulforged, A alma forjada The stainless will rise The stainless will rise Os imaculados irão se erguer I will never change my mind I will never change my mind Eu jamais mudarei de idéia I will leave it all behind I will leave it all behind Eu deixarei tudo isso para trás And through the hour glass And through the hour glass E através da ampulheta Everything's grey Everything's grey Tudo está cinza Everyone's pale Everyone's pale Todos estão pálidos No colour nor beauty will enlighten my heart No colour nor beauty will enlighten my heart Nem cor nem beleza irão iluminar meu coração The seat of life's empty and cold The seat of life's empty and cold O assento da vida está vazio e frio Cadaverous you all seem to me Cadaverous you all seem to me Vocês me parecem cadavéricos Stillborn but you're still alive Stillborn but you're still alive Natimorto mas você ainda está vivo You're still alive You're still alive Você ainda está vivo Truth lies in loneliness Truth lies in loneliness A verdade jaz na solidão When hope is long gone by When hope is long gone by Quando a esperança há muito se foi I'll wipe out the bliss of the new age I'll wipe out the bliss of the new age Eu destruirei a felicidade da nova era And welcome you precious night And welcome you precious night E lhe darei boas vindas, noite preciosa And from the flames And from the flames E das chamas As chance would have it As chance would have it Que chance teria the soulforged will come into light the soulforged will come into light A alma forjada virá para a luz And from the flames as chance would have it And from the flames as chance would have it E das chamas que chance teria The soulforged, The soulforged, A alma forjada The stainless will rise The stainless will rise Os imaculados irão se erguer From a distant time From a distant time De um tempo distante Voices echo in the hall Voices echo in the hall Vozes ecoam no corredor "Come and join us "Come and join us ?Venha e junte-se a nós Enter life and everything is gone now" Enter life and everything is gone now" Entre na vida e tudo se foi agoraÂ? And through the looking glass And through the looking glass E através do espelho I still fear mortality and its loss in the end I still fear mortality and its loss in the end Eu ainda temo a mortalidade e sua perda no fim Unlimited power in my hands Unlimited power in my hands Poder ilimitado em minhas mãos The claw of the dragon ascends The claw of the dragon ascends A garra do dragão se levanta "Mourn for his lost soul "Mourn for his lost soul Â?Lamente pela sua alma perdida He's cursed and condemned" He's cursed and condemned" Ele está amaldiçoado e condenadoÂ? Each step I take Each step I take Cada passo que dou May it hurt may it ache May it hurt may it ache Pode ferir, pode doer Leads me further Leads me further Leva-me adiante Away from the past Away from the past Para longe do passado But as long as I breathe But as long as I breathe Mas enquanto eu respirar Each smile in my bleak face Each smile in my bleak face Cada sorriso no meu rosto sombrio I'm on my way to find I'm on my way to find Eu estou no meu caminho para encontrar Back to the peace of mind Back to the peace of mind De volta a paz de espírito And from the flames And from the flames E das chamas As chance would have it As chance would have it Que chance teria the soulforged will come into light the soulforged will come into light A alma forjada virá para a luz And from the flames as chance would have it And from the flames as chance would have it E das chamas que chance teria The soulforged, The soulforged, A alma forjada The stainless will rise The stainless will rise Os imaculados irão se erguer I will never change my mind I will never change my mind Eu jamais mudarei de idéia I will leave it all behind I will leave it all behind Eu deixarei tudo isso para trás

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