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Damned For All Time

Amaldiçoado para sempre

Conquer the whole world to satisfy Conquer the whole world to satisfy Conquiste o mundo inteiro para satisfazer their lust for pain and terror their lust for pain and terror Sua ambição por dor e terror disguise their faces to hide them disguise their faces to hide them Disfarce seus rostos para escondê-los in the dark in the dark Na escura determination determination determinação The oath on the runestaff The oath on the runestaff O juramento sobre o cajado mágico is the highest is the highest É o maior the ruin of a nation the ruin of a nation A ruína na nação step by step step by step Passo a passo destiny destiny Destino (Lead: André) (Lead: André) (Lead: André) Damned for all Time - but what's time ? Damned for all Time - but what's time ? Amaldiçoado para sempre mas o que é tempo? Tales of the one who's born to change Tales of the one who's born to change Contos daquele que é nascido para mudar And as the earth was old and cold And as the earth was old and cold E enquanto a terra era velha e fria she closed her eyes and fell to sleep she closed her eyes and fell to sleep Ela fechou seus olhos e adormeceu violation ruled the world violation ruled the world Profanação dominou o mundo the dark kingdom's time the dark kingdom's time E era do reino escuro He's called Hawkmoon wearing a sign He's called Hawkmoon wearing a sign Ele é chamado Hawkmoon usando um sinal black jewel in his head black jewel in his head Uma jóia negra em sua cabeça he's the one who's forever there he's the one who's forever there Ele é aquele que está sempre lá he's born a thousend times he's born a thousend times Ele nasceu mil vezes Ref.: Ref.: Ref.: Damned for all Time Damned for all Time Amaldiçoado para sempre in every age he existed in every age he existed Em todas as eras ele existiu Damned for all Time Damned for all Time Amaldiçoado para sempre in every future he'll live in every future he'll live Em cada futuro ele irá existir for all Time he's crying for all Time he's crying Para sempre ele estará chorando he's crying he's crying Ele está chorando Hey strange one I know Hey strange one I know Ei estranho, eu sei you're standing there you're standing there Você está aí parado the faces are they mine ? the faces are they mine ? Os rostos são meus? Are you out there ? Are you out there ? Você está aí fora? Watch out for the day, fiend Watch out for the day, fiend Cuidado com o dia, amigo I'll kmow your name I'll kmow your name Eu saberei seu nome hear my laughter hear my laughter Ouça minhas risadas Oblivion - who's blowing the horn Oblivion - who's blowing the horn Esquecimento ? que sopra a trompa Oblivion - who's killing the gods Oblivion - who's killing the gods Esquecimento ? que está matando os deuses Ref. Ref. Ref. (Solo: André) (Solo: André) (Solo: André) Dark kingdom's lost now Dark kingdom's lost now O reino escuro está perdido agora no pain storms the land no pain storms the land A dor não ataca a terra strange things are happening strange things are happening Coisas estranhas estão acontecendo changing of all planes changing of all planes Mudando todos os planos in the universe by a mad magican in the universe by a mad magican Do universo por um mago louco to conquer the power of his magic to conquer the power of his magic Conquistar o poder de sua magia a place where truth waits must a place where truth waits must Um lugar onde a verdade espera be found Tanelorn be found Tanelorn Deve ser encontrado Tanelorn (Lead: André) (Lead: André) (Lead: André) Damned for all Time - who am I ? Damned for all Time - who am I ? Amaldiçoado para sempre ? Quem sou eu? Once I've been called Erekse Once I've been called Erekse Eu já fui chamado de Erekse I was Elric - I'll be Corum I was Elric - I'll be Corum Eu era Elric ? Eu serei Corum I'm the prince of the south ice I'm the prince of the south ice Eu sou o príncipe do gelo do sul Now I'm nothing Now I'm nothing Agora não sou nada wait for someone wait for someone Espero por alguém wait for Ilian wait for Ilian Espero por Ilian No ! I'm Hawkmoon No ! I'm Hawkmoon Não! Eu sou Hawkmoon Oblivion - the war is eternal Oblivion - the war is eternal Esquecimento ? a guerra é eterna Oblivion - the battle is endless Oblivion - the battle is endless Esquecimento ? a batalha não tem fim

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