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The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

A Mão Que Balança O Berço

Young life, too young, who's eyes are choking, Young life, too young, who's eyes are choking, Vida jovem, jovem demais, Cujos olhos estão sufocando, Can't rest, can't sleep, for dreams that set you falling. Can't rest, can't sleep, for dreams that set you falling. Não consegue descansar, não consegue dormir, Pois os sonhos que te puseram em queda Don't feel the hunger, can't drink no holy water, Don't feel the hunger, can't drink no holy water, Não sentem fome, Não conseguem beber nenhuma água-benta No light in these eyes, no place for dreams at all tonight. No light in these eyes, no place for dreams at all tonight. Sem luz nestes olhos, Sem espaço para sonhos, Esta noite When the hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that holds the knife, When the hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that holds the knife, Quando a mão que balança o berço, É a mão que segura a faca And the knife that cuts the cable, kills the spark that feeds the life. And the knife that cuts the cable, kills the spark that feeds the life. E a faca que corta o cabo, Mata a centelha que alimenta a vida No grave could be deep enough, down to hell if we were able, No grave could be deep enough, down to hell if we were able, Nenhum túmulo poderia ser profundo o bastante, Até o inferno se fôssemos capazes The veil of life was pushed aside, by the hand that rocks the cradle. The veil of life was pushed aside, by the hand that rocks the cradle. O véu da vida foi posto de lado, Pela mão que balança o berço The oath you take is sacred, to save not steel a life, The oath you take is sacred, to save not steel a life, O juramento que você fez é sagrado, Não para salvar uma vida Like the passing of the sweetest soul, that looked through human eyes Like the passing of the sweetest soul, that looked through human eyes Como a passagem da mais doce alma, Que olhou através de olhos humanos Young life, too young, who's eyes are choking, Young life, too young, who's eyes are choking, Vida jovem, jovem demais, Cujos olhos estão sufocando Can't rest, can't sleep, for dreams that set you falling. Can't rest, can't sleep, for dreams that set you falling. Não consegue descansar, não consegue dormir, Pois os sonhos que te puseram em queda Don't feel the hunger, can't drink no holy water, Don't feel the hunger, can't drink no holy water, Não sentem fome, Não conseguem beber nenhuma água-benta No light in these eyes, no place for dreams at all tonight. No light in these eyes, no place for dreams at all tonight. Sem luz nestes olhos, Sem espaço para sonhos, Esta noite It's the hand that rocks the cradle. It's the hand that rocks the cradle. É a mão que balança o berço, It's the hand that steels the life. It's the hand that steels the life. É a mão que acera a vida.

Composição: Terry Butler, Tony Iommi, Tony Martin

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