Original Corrigir

Child Psychology

Psicologia Infantil

I stopped talking when I was six years old I stopped talking when I was six years old Parei de falar quando tinha 6 anos de idade I didn't want anything more to do with the outside world I didn't want anything more to do with the outside world Não queria ter nada mais a ver com o mundo lá fora I was happy being quiet I was happy being quiet Estava feliz ficando quieta But, of course, they wouldn't leave me alone But, of course, they wouldn't leave me alone Mas é claro que eles não me deixariam em paz My parents tried every trick in the book My parents tried every trick in the book Meus pais tentaram cada truque do livro From speech therapists to child psychologists From speech therapists to child psychologists De fonoaudiólogos a psicólogos infantis They even tried bribery They even tried bribery Eles tentaram até suborno I could have anything I could have anything Eu poderia ter qualquer coisa As long as I said it out loud As long as I said it out loud Desde que dissesse alto Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it A vida é injusta, se mate ou supere Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it A vida é injusta, se mate ou supere Of course this episode didn't last forever Of course this episode didn't last forever Claro que esse episódio não durou pra sempre I'd made my point and it was time to move on I'd made my point and it was time to move on Eu fiz minha escolha e era hora de seguir To peel away the next layer of deceit To peel away the next layer of deceit Retirar a próxima camada de falsidade And see what new surprises lay in store And see what new surprises lay in store E ver que novas surpresas me aguardam My school report said I showed no interest My school report said I showed no interest Minha ficha na escola dizia que eu não mostrava interesse A disruptive influence A disruptive influence Uma influência disruptiva I felt sorry for them in a way I felt sorry for them in a way Eu me senti triste por eles de certa forma And when they finally expelled me And when they finally expelled me E quando eles finalmente me expulsaram It didn't mean a thing It didn't mean a thing Não significou nada Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it A vida é injusta, se mate ou supere Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it A vida é injusta, se mate ou supere (At that time she stopped what she was doing, she stopped playing (At that time she stopped what she was doing, she stopped playing (Naquele momento ela parou o que estava fazendo, parou de brincar She stared, she had the facial grimicing, and then the psychiatrist was saying: She stared, she had the facial grimicing, and then the psychiatrist was saying: Ela encarou, tinha aquela rigidez facial, então o psiquiatra estava dizendo: Julie, Julie, can you hear me? Can you open your eyes? Can you stick out your tongue? Julie, Julie, can you hear me? Can you open your eyes? Can you stick out your tongue? Julie, Julie, consegue me ouvir? Consegue abrir seus olhos? Consegue esticar sua língua? And all of a sudden, Julie struck out) And all of a sudden, Julie struck out) E de repente, Julie desabou) The November day when I came home The November day when I came home Novembro, quando vim pra casa The Christmas decorations were already up The Christmas decorations were already up A decoração de Natal já estava pendurada Spray on snow, coloured flashing lights Spray on snow, coloured flashing lights Spray na neve, pisca-piscas And an artificial tree that played Silent Night And an artificial tree that played Silent Night E uma árvore artificial que tocava Silent Night Over and over again Over and over again De novo e de novo My parents welcomed me with loving arms My parents welcomed me with loving arms Meus pais me receberam com braços amorosos But within an hour were back at each others throats But within an hour were back at each others throats Mas em uma hora estavam de volta aos pescoços um do outro Normal, happy childhood back on course Normal, happy childhood back on course Infância normal e feliz de volta ao seu curso Batteries not included Batteries not included Baterias não incluídas Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it A vida é injusta, se mate ou supere Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it A vida é injusta, se mate ou supere Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it A vida é injusta, se mate ou supere Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it Life is unfair, kill yourself or get over it A vida é injusta, se mate ou supere

Composição: John Moore, Luke Michael Haines

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