Stop Stop pare Slanders just distort the truth Slanders just distort the truth calunia só distorcem a verdade Making bad things even worse Making bad things even worse fazendo coisas ruins ate piores I'm sick and tired I'm sick and tired estou enfermo e cansado Fed up with your lies Fed up with your lies alimentado com suas mentiras There's a beast under my bed There's a beast under my bed há uma besta debaixo da minha cama It's been haunting my conscience It's been haunting my conscience esta assombrando minha coinciência Where's my notion of good and bad? Where's my notion of good and bad? onde esta minha noção de bem e mal? Am i losing the war? Am i losing the war? estou perdendo a guerra? Uh! Now the tide is turning Uh! Now the tide is turning uh! agora a mare ta virando Good vibes are coming Good vibes are coming boas vibrações estão vindo Uh! I've been holding on Uh! I've been holding on uh!eu estive suportando Now I'm Waiting no longer Now I'm Waiting no longer agora eu não vou esperar muito mais You can't deny our trust is now lost You can't deny our trust is now lost voce não pode negar q sua coinciênia agora esta perdida Everything decays Everything decays tudo decai No regrets! Uh, where is your shame? No regrets! Uh, where is your shame? sem regresso!uh,onde esta sua vergonha? Am I going insane? Am I going insane? estou ficando louco? Uh! Now I'm on my own facing the world Uh! Now I'm on my own facing the world uh!estou comigo mesmo encarando o mundo Uh! There's no sense at all Uh! There's no sense at all uh!não há mais sentido nenhum I've been struggling alone I've been struggling alone estou lutando só Dedicating my life Dedicating my life dedicando minha vida Bringing my whispers to you Bringing my whispers to you trazendo minhas confidencias pra voce Wishing this whole war was over Wishing this whole war was over esperando q toda essa guerra tenha acabado I'm sick and tired, fed up with the lies I'm sick and tired, fed up with the lies estou doente e cansado,alimentado por suas mentiras Longing for a moment of truce Longing for a moment of truce esperando um momento de descanso And until I'm dead I'll dedicate my soul And until I'm dead I'll dedicate my soul e ate q eu morra eu vou dedicar minha alma Dedicate it Dedicate it dedica-la Hold your fire Hold your fire contenha seu fogo Get that crown off your head Get that crown off your head tire aquela coroa da sua cabeça Barbed wire is wrapped around my sadness Barbed wire is wrapped around my sadness arame enfarpado esta amarrado ao redor da minha tristeza Uh! Uh! Uh! Oh Uh! Uh! Uh! Oh uh!uh!uh!oh!! Waiting no longer Waiting no longer não esperar mais Uh! Holding on Uh! Holding on uh! suportando I am fighting alone I am fighting alone estou lutando só Dedicating my life Dedicating my life dedicando minha vida Making your wishes come true Making your wishes come true fazendo seus desejos virarem realidade Wishing this whole war was over Wishing this whole war was over anseiando q toda esta guerra acabe I'm sick and tired, fed up with the lies I'm sick and tired, fed up with the lies estou doente e cansado alimentado pelas suas mentiras Longing for a moment of truce Longing for a moment of truce esperando um momento de descanso But until I'm dead I'll dedicate my heart But until I'm dead I'll dedicate my heart mas ate q eu morra eu vou dedicar meu coração When slander just distorts the truth When slander just distorts the truth quando a calunia distorcer a verdade Making bad things even worse Making bad things even worse fazendo coisas ruins ate piorarem Until I'm dead Until I'm dead ate q eu morra I'll dedicate my life I'll dedicate my life eu vou dedicar minha vida Dedicate my mind Dedicate my mind dedicar minha mente Dedicate my soul Dedicate my soul dedicar minha alma Take it Take it aguente isso