I believe that when you're free you're never free, if you can'tsee- I can never breathe easily- and I pray everyday,religiously, for freedom, from this life in agony I believe that when you're free you're never free, if you can'tsee- I can never breathe easily- and I pray everyday,religiously, for freedom, from this life in agony GET AWAY / VAI EMBORA. Chorus: Chorus: Creio que quando você está livre, não está livre, se você nãopode ver Get away can't get away, I can't get away from you Get away can't get away, I can't get away from you Eu não posso respirar facilmente So I wait and watch in fear of the memory of my life's tragic endin misery and I prey everyday for salvation - for a reason, tosuffer this suffocation… So I wait and watch in fear of the memory of my life's tragic endin misery and I prey everyday for salvation - for a reason, tosuffer this suffocation… e rezo todos os dias, religiosamente, para a liberdade, destavida de agonia Chorus Chorus Ir embora, não se pode ir embora, não posso ir embora daqui Lead Lead Assim espero e olho com medo da lembrança do trágico fim damiséria da minha vida Every moment I feel is agony, every breath I take is choking me,every thought I have just fucks with me- will it take my death tobreak my soul free? Every moment I feel is agony, every breath I take is choking me,every thought I have just fucks with me- will it take my death tobreak my soul free? E rezo todos os dias para a salvação - para uma razão por sofrereste sufocamento... Can you feel my torment can you feel my anger can you feel themisery, all around me? Can you feel my torment can you feel my anger can you feel themisery, all around me? Cada momento provo a agonia, cada respiro me destroça, cadapensamento me fode - I'm alone and out of touch with what is real because no one canever feel the way I feel and I prey to stop the voices in my headforever, I feel so violated I'm alone and out of touch with what is real because no one canever feel the way I feel and I prey to stop the voices in my headforever, I feel so violated Será necessária a minha morte para libertar a minha alma ? Chorus Chorus Você pode provar o meu tormento, você pode sentir a minha raiva,você pode