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Blue Moon

Lua Azul

Blue moon, Blue moon, Lua azul, you saw me standing alone you saw me standing alone Você me viu na maior solidão without a dream in my heart without a dream in my heart Sem um sonho no coração without a love on my own. without a love on my own. Sem um amor pra ser a minha paixão Blue moon, Blue moon, Lua azul, you knew just what I was there for you knew just what I was there for Você sabe bem porque eu estava ali you heard me saying a prayer for you heard me saying a prayer for Você me ouviu pedindo aos céus somebody I realy could care for. somebody I realy could care for. Por alguém por quem eu sentisse algo And then there suddenly appeared before me, And then there suddenly appeared before me, E do nada, apareceu na minha frente the only one my arms will ever hold the only one my arms will ever hold A única que meus braços poderiam querer abraçar I heard somebody whisper, "Please adore me." I heard somebody whisper, "Please adore me." Eu ouvi alguém sussurrar ´por favor, me ame` and when I looked, and when I looked, Mas quando procurei the moon had turned to gold. the moon had turned to gold. Só vi que a lua azul tinha ficado dourada Blue moon, Blue moon, Lua azul, now I'm lo longer alone now I'm lo longer alone Agora não estou mais sozinha without a dream in my heart without a dream in my heart Sem um sonho no coração without a love on my own. without a love on my own. Sem um amor pra ser a minha paixão

Composição: Lorenz Hart and Richard Rodgers

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