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All The Good Girls Go To Hell

todas as boas meninas vão para o inferno

My Lucifer is lonely My Lucifer is lonely Meu Lúcifer está solitário Standing there, killing time Standing there, killing time Parada lá, matando tempo Can't commit to anything but a crime Can't commit to anything but a crime Não consigo me comprometer com nada além de um crime Peter's on vacation Peter's on vacation Pedro está de férias An open invitation An open invitation Um convite aberto Animals, evidence Animals, evidence Animais, evidência Pearly gates look more like a picket fence Pearly gates look more like a picket fence Portões de pérola parecem mais com uma cerquinha de madeira Once you get inside 'em Once you get inside 'em Uma vez que você os atravessa Got friends, but can't invite them Got friends, but can't invite them Tem amigos, mas não pode convidá-los Hills burn in California Hills burn in California Colinas queimam na Califórnia My turn to ignore ya My turn to ignore ya Minha vez de te ignorar Don't say I didn't warn ya Don't say I didn't warn ya Não diga que eu não te avisei All the good girls go to hell All the good girls go to hell Todas as boas meninas vão para o inferno 'Cause even God herself 'Cause even God herself Porque até a própria Deusa Has enemies Has enemies Tem inimigos And once the water starts to rise And once the water starts to rise E quando a água começar a subir And heaven's out of sight And heaven's out of sight E o céu estiver fora de vista She'll want the devil on her team She'll want the devil on her team Ela vai querer o diabo em sua equipe My Lucifer is lonely My Lucifer is lonely Meu Lúcifer está solitário Look at you, needing me Look at you, needing me Olhe só pra você precisando de mim You know I'm not your friend without some greenery You know I'm not your friend without some greenery Você sabe que não sou sua amiga sem um verdinho Walk in wearing fetters Walk in wearing fetters Entra usando grilhões Peter should know better Peter should know better Pedro deveria ser mais esperto Your cover up is caving in Your cover up is caving in Seu disfarce está despedaçando Man, it's such a fool, why are we saving him? Man, it's such a fool, why are we saving him? O homem é tão tolo, por que estamos salvando ele? Poisoning themselves now Poisoning themselves now Envenenando a si mesmos agora Begging for our help, wow! Begging for our help, wow! Implorando por nossa ajuda, uau Hills burn in California Hills burn in California Colinas queimam na Califórnia My turn to ignore ya My turn to ignore ya Minha vez de te ignorar Don't say I didn't warn ya Don't say I didn't warn ya Não diga que eu não te avisei All the good girls go to hell All the good girls go to hell Todas as boas meninas vão para o inferno 'Cause even God herself 'Cause even God herself Porque até a própria Deusa Has enemies Has enemies Tem inimigos And once the water starts to rise And once the water starts to rise E quando a água começar a subir And heaven's out of sight And heaven's out of sight E o céu estiver fora de vista She'll want the devil on her team She'll want the devil on her team Ela vai querer o diabo em sua equipe My Lucifer is lonely My Lucifer is lonely Meu Lúcifer está solitário There's nothing left to save now There's nothing left to save now Não há mais nada a salvar agora My God is gonna owe me My God is gonna owe me Meu Deus vai ficar me devendo essa There's nothing left to save now There's nothing left to save now Não há mais nada a salvar agora

Composição: Billie Eilish/Finneas O'Connell

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