It's Been So Long It's Been So Long isso foi há tanto tempo - words and music by Harold Adamson and Walter Donaldson - words and music by Harold Adamson and Walter Donaldson letra e musica de harold adamson e walter donaldson 'Cause it's been so long 'Cause it's been so long Since I held you tight Since I held you tight porque isso foi a tanto tempo When we said good night When we said good night desde que te abracei apertado It's been so long It's been so long quando voce disse boa noite Honey, can't you see Honey, can't you see isso foi a tanto tempo What you've done to me? What you've done to me? querida voce não pode ver I've been in a kind of daze I've been in a kind of daze o que vocefez comigo? For days and days and days For days and days and days eu tenho estado numa especie de confusão Feelin' blue, missin' you Feelin' blue, missin' you por dias e dias e dias In, oh, so many ways In, oh, so many ways me sentindo triste, sentindo sua falta 'Cause it was so nice 'Cause it was so nice de, oh tantos modos When we had that date When we had that date porque isso foi tão legal Every night at eight Every night at eight quando tivemos esse encontro It was so nice It was so nice toda noite as oito Then we said good-bye Then we said good-bye isso foi tão legal What a fool was I What a fool was I então dissemos adeus Let me get back in your arms where I belong Let me get back in your arms where I belong que louco eu fui 'Cause it's been, oh, so long 'Cause it's been, oh, so long me eixe voltar para seus braços de onde eu pertenço porque isso foi , oh, há tanto tempo