
Follow Your Dreams

Siga seus sonhos

Belinda: Belinda: Belinda: (OH) (OH) (OH) Our world Our world Nosso mundo Their world Their world O mundo deles We would dance and twirl We would dance and twirl Nós vamos dançar e rebolar Adrienne: Adrienne: Adrienne: I don't know how I don't know how Eu não sei como I listened now I listened now Eu ouvi agora I just wanna know I just wanna know O que eu quero saber Belinda: Belinda: Belinda: (You don't have to know) (You don't have to know) (Você não tem que saber) Just follow your dreams Just follow your dreams Apenas siga seus sonhos They'll take you where you want to They'll take you where you want to Pegue tudo que você quer You're afraid it seems You're afraid it seems Você se assusta com o que vê Just follow your dreams Just follow your dreams Apenas siga seus sonhos They'll take you where you want They'll take you where you want Pegue tudo que você quer Adrienne: Adrienne: Adrienne: Where I want Where I want Onde eu quero (Oh) (Oh) (Oh) I can I can Eu posso Belinda: Belinda: Belinda: Follow your dreams Follow your dreams Siga seus sonhos Adrienne: Adrienne: Adrienne: Now I here I am Now I here I am Agora eu estou aqui Hanging here in Barcelona Hanging here in Barcelona Levantando Barcelona I'm not gonna be a silent clam I'm not gonna be a silent clam Eu não ser uma pessoa quieta I'm gonna shout it out I'm gonna shout it out Eu vou acabar com isso Belinda: Belinda: Belinda: (A la nanita Barcelona) (A la nanita Barcelona) (Nane Barcelona) Adrienne: Adrienne: Adrienne: I'm ready to take a chance I'm ready to take a chance Estou pronta pra ter uma chance Belinda: Belinda: Belinda: (You don't have to take that chance) (You don't have to take that chance) (Você não precisa ter uma chance) Belinda & Adrienne: Belinda & Adrienne: Belinda Just follow your (my) dreams Just follow your (my) dreams Apenas siga seus (meus) sonhos They'll take you (me) where you want to They'll take you (me) where you want to Pegue tudo que você (eu) queremos Your (I'm) afraid it seems Your (I'm) afraid it seems Você (eu) estamos assustadas com que vemos Just follow your (my) dreams Just follow your (my) dreams Apenas siga seus (meus) sonhos They'll take you where you want They'll take you where you want Pegue tudo que você quer Belinda: Belinda: Belinda: Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Follow your dreams Follow your dreams Siga seus sonhos Adrienne: Adrienne: Adrienne: (oh) (oh) (oh) Belinda: Belinda: Belinda: Chanel, leave America Chanel, leave America Chanel, saia da América Come live with me in Barcelona Come live with me in Barcelona Venha comigo para Barcelona We can live with a touch We can live with a touch Nós podemos viver juntas they don't really love you that much they don't really love you that much Eles não sabem o amor que você tem A la nanita nana nanita ella, Chanel A la nanita nana nanita ella, Chanel Nane, nane, Chanel A la nanita! A la nanita! Nane! Adrienne: Adrienne: Adrienne: I'm gonna follow my dreams I'm gonna follow my dreams Eu quero seguir meus sonhos Belinda: Belinda: Belinda: Leave the past behind Leave the past behind Deixe o passado Adrienne: Adrienne: Adrienne: I'm gonna let them lead me I'm gonna let them lead me Eu quero ficar com elas Belinda: Belinda: Belinda: Follow your dreams Follow your dreams Siga seus sonhos Adrienne: Adrienne: Adrienne: A la nanita ella A la nanita ella Nane Belinda & Adrienne: Belinda & Adrienne: Belinda A la nanita nanita ella A la nanita nanita ella Nane Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Follow your (my) dreams Follow your (my) dreams Siga seus (meus) sonhos Adrienne: Adrienne: Adrienne: BARCELONA BARCELONA BARCELONA

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