I got a room down in Hollywood I got a room down in Hollywood Eu tenho um quarto em Hollywood Rent was cheap Rent was cheap O aluguel é barato It was this rooming house It was this rooming house Era um quarto de moradia There was an old man who lived in the room next to me There was an old man who lived in the room next to me Tinha um velho que morava num quarto perto do meu We shared a bathroom in the hall We shared a bathroom in the hall Nós dividiamos o banheiro no hall Stare at me through a crack in the door Stare at me through a crack in the door Ele me espiava através de uma rachadurta na minha porta Day I moved in I was playin' my guitar Day I moved in I was playin' my guitar No dia em que eu me mudei eu estava tocando a minha guitarra Started bangin' on the wall with a boot Started bangin' on the wall with a boot Ele bateu na parede com uma bota Then he came out, started banging on my door Then he came out, started banging on my door Então eu saiu pra fora e começou a bater na minha porta Kicked it open Kicked it open Ele abriu no chute Watch out son, I got a tasergun Watch out son, I got a tasergun Cuidado filho, eu tenho uma arma de importunadora Watch out son, I got a tasergun Watch out son, I got a tasergun Cuidado filho, eu tenho uma arma de importunadora He's on the loose He's on the loose Ele está na derrota He's got the juice He's got the juice Ele tem o suco Like a mad dog with no teeth Like a mad dog with no teeth Como um cachorro louco sem dentes Spent his pension in adult bookstores Spent his pension in adult bookstores Gastava toda sua pensão em lojas de livros adulto Bringin strange young men home Bringin strange young men home Trazendo estranhos joverns no seu quarto He'd leave me notes in the bathroom He'd leave me notes in the bathroom Ele me deixou um bilhete no banheiro Accusin' me of stealin' his toilet paper Accusin' me of stealin' his toilet paper Me acusando de roubar o papel higienico dele Come out into the hallway Come out into the hallway Ele saiu no hall Dressed up in a greasy bathrobe Dressed up in a greasy bathrobe Vestido num roupão gordurado Tryin' to start a fight Tryin' to start a fight Tentando começar uma briga He became known as the electric old man He became known as the electric old man Ele ficou conhecido como o ''Velho elétrico'' And I still see him with his taser And I still see him with his taser E eu ainda posso ve-lo com esse importunador Comin' at me Comin' at me Vindo até min Watch out son, I got a tasergun Watch out son, I got a tasergun Cuidado filho, eu tenho uma arma de importunadora Watch out son, I got a tasergun Watch out son, I got a tasergun Cuidado filho, eu tenho uma arma de importunadora He's on the loose He's on the loose Ele está na derrota He's got the juice He's got the juice Ele tem o suco Like a pigeon with no wings Like a pigeon with no wings Como um pombo sem asas