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Did You Ever Love a Woman

voce nunca amou uma mulher

Did you ever love a woman Did you ever love a woman voce nunca amou uma mulher And you loved her with all your might And you loved her with all your might e voce a amou com toda sua força Did you ever love a woman Did you ever love a woman voce nunca amou uma mulher And you loved her with all your might And you loved her with all your might e vocea amou com toda sua força Well, and you knew all the time Well, and you knew all the time bem, e voce sabia o tempo todo That the woman wasn't treating you right That the woman wasn't treating you right que essa mulher não o estava ratando direito You fix her breakfast in the morning You fix her breakfast in the morning voce leva o cfé da manhã Stay at home everyday Stay at home everyday fica em casa o dia todo Even wash the dishes Even wash the dishes até lava os pratos If she has to go away If she has to go away se ela precisa sair You send the children to school You send the children to school voce manda as crianças para a escola Even mend their hose Even mend their hose até emenda sua mangueira Stay up all nights with the babies Stay up all nights with the babies fica acordado todo a noite com os bebes Even wash their dirty clothes Even wash their dirty clothes até lava suas roupas sujas Did you ever love a woman Did you ever love a woman voce nunca amou uma mulher And you loved her with all your might And you loved her with all your might e voce a amor com toda sua força Yes, and you knew all the time Yes, and you knew all the time sim, e voce soube todo o tempo That the woman wasn't treating you right That the woman wasn't treating you right que aquela mulher não o estavatratando direito But when it's time to go to bed But when it's time to go to bed mas quando é hora de ir para a cama The woman grabs you in her arms The woman grabs you in her arms a mulher agarra voce em seus braços She holds you real tight She holds you real tight ela te agarra bem apertado She hugs you with all her charms She hugs you with all her charms ela te abraça com todo seu charme She calls you a lot of sweet names She calls you a lot of sweet names ela te chame de uma porção de nomes doces Then she turns out the light Then she turns out the light então ela apaga a luz She sets your soul on fire She sets your soul on fire ela deixa sua alma em fogo And you say, "baby, everything is all right" And you say, "baby, everything is all right" e voce diz, baby, está tudo bem Did you ever love a woman Did you ever love a woman voce nunca amou uma mulher And you loved her with all your might And you loved her with all your might e voce a amou com toda sua força Yes, and you knew all the time Yes, and you knew all the time sim, e voce sabia o tempo todo That the woman wasn't treating you That the woman wasn't treating you que essa mulher não o estava tratando direito

Composição: B.B. King/Jules Taub

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