early man walked away as modern man took control. early man walked away as modern man took control. El hombre primitivo se fue en tanto el hombre moderno tomo el control. their minds weren't all the same, to conquer was his goal, their minds weren't all the same, to conquer was his goal, Sus mentes no eran lo mismo, so he built his great empire and slaughtered his own kind, so he built his great empire and slaughtered his own kind, Conquistar era su mayor objetivo, then he died a confused man, killed himself with his own mind. then he died a confused man, killed himself with his own mind. Asi que construyo su gran imperio y masacro con su propia especie, Después murió confundido, go! go! Vaya we're only gonna die from our own arrogance. we're only gonna die from our own arrogance. Se mato a si mismo con su propia mente. (repeated over and over) (repeated over and over) Repete