i saw her standing on the corner, i saw her standing on the corner, Eu a vi parada na esquina (ooh ooh ooh) (ooh ooh ooh) (ooh ooh ooh) a yellow ribbon in her hair, a yellow ribbon in her hair, um laço amarelo em seu cabelo, (ooh ooh ooh) (ooh ooh ooh) (ooh ooh ooh) i couldn't keep myself from callin' , i couldn't keep myself from callin' , Eu não resisti à vontade de chama-la , looky there, looky there, Ei garota, looky there, looky there, Ei garota, looky there, looky there, Ei garota, oh looky there! oh looky there! oh, ei garota! young blood, young blood, Sangue jovem, young blood, young blood, sangue jovem, young blood, young blood, sangue jovem, i can't get you outta my mind. i can't get you outta my mind. Você não sai da minha cabeça. i took one look and i was flattered i took one look and i was flattered Eu dei uma olhada e já estava flertado (ooh ooh ooh) (ooh ooh ooh) (ooh ooh ooh) i tried to walk along the lane i tried to walk along the lane Eu tentei andar na linha (ooh ooh ooh) (ooh ooh ooh) (ooh ooh ooh) i couldn't keep myself from shouting, i couldn't keep myself from shouting, Eu não consegui resistir a gritar, whats your name? whats your name? Qual o seu nome? whats your name? whats your name? Qual o seu nome? whats your name? whats your name? Qual o seu nome? oh whats your name? oh whats your name? oh qual o seu nome? young blood, young blood, Sangue jovem, young blood, young blood, sangue jovem, young blood, young blood, sangue jovem, i can't get you outta my mind. i can't get you outta my mind. Você não sai da minha cabeça. what crazy step what crazy step Que passo louco she looked so tept she looked so tept Ele me olhou tentada i had to follow her all the way home i had to follow her all the way home eu tive de segui-la até em casa then things went bad then things went bad aí as coisas ficaram ruins i met her dad i met her dad eu conheci o pai dela he said he said ele disse you'd better leave my daughter alone you'd better leave my daughter alone É melhor você deixar a minha filha sozinha i couldn't sleep that night for crying i couldn't sleep that night for crying Eu não consegui dormir de tanto chorar aquela noite (ooh ooh ooh) (ooh ooh ooh) (ooh ooh ooh) i saw the rising of the sun i saw the rising of the sun Eu vi o sol nascer (ooh ooh ooh) (ooh ooh ooh) (ooh ooh ooh) and all along my heart was sighing and all along my heart was sighing e completamente só meu coração cantava she's the one she's the one Ela é única she's the one she's the one Ela é única she's the one she's the one Ela é única oh she's the one oh she's the one oh ela é única young blood young blood Sangue jovem, young blood young blood sangue jovem, young blood young blood sangue jovem, i can't get you outta my mind i can't get you outta my mind Você não sai da minha cabeça. young blood young blood Sangue jovem, young blood young blood sangue jovem, young blood young blood sangue jovem, i can't get you outta my mind i can't get you outta my mind Você não sai da minha cabeça. young blood young blood Sangue jovem, young blood young blood sangue jovem, young blood young blood sangue jovem, i can't get you outta my mind i can't get you outta my mind Você não sai da minha cabeça.