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Queen Of Hearts

Rainha de Copas

It was late after midnight It was late after midnight Era tarde depois da meia noite I was sitting in a tavern I was sitting in a tavern Eu estava sentado em uma taverna I saw him playing cards I saw him playing cards Eu o vi jogando cartas And I went over to the old man And I went over to the old man E eu fui até o velho homem He said: "I read inside the cards He said: "I read inside the cards Ele disse: "Eu li dentro das cartas All about your life All about your life Tudo sobre sua vida Do you want to know it? Do you want to know it? Você quer saber? So listen to me" So listen to me" Então me escute " The Queen of Hearts The Queen of Hearts A Rainha de Copas The Queen of Hearts knows about life The Queen of Hearts knows about life A Rainha de Copas sabe sobre a vida She knows all about the heartache She knows all about the heartache Ela sabe tudo sobre a dor no coração Of the lovers in the night Of the lovers in the night Dos amantes da noite Can't you try to read the signs? Can't you try to read the signs? Você não pode tentar ler os sinais? The Queen of Hearts The Queen of Hearts A Rainha de Copas The Queen of Hearts knows about fate The Queen of Hearts knows about fate A Rainha de Copas sabe sobre o destino And the Queen of Hearts, she's telling me: And the Queen of Hearts, she's telling me: E a Rainha de Copas, ela está me dizendo: "Run home to your love "Run home to your love "Corra para casa do seu amor Run before it is too late" Run before it is too late" Corra antes que seja tarde demais " He shuffled all his cards He shuffled all his cards Ele arrastou todas as suas cartas And then he started dealing And then he started dealing E então ele começou a tratar The Jack of Clubs, then Queen of Hearts The Jack of Clubs, then Queen of Hearts O Valete de Paus, em seguida, Rainha de Copas I didn't know the meaning I didn't know the meaning Eu não sabia o significado He said: "You'll lose your lover" He said: "You'll lose your lover" Ele disse: "Você vai perder a sua amante" I did not believe a word I did not believe a word Eu não acreditei em uma palavra But when I got back home But when I got back home Mas quando cheguei em casa My baby was gone My baby was gone Meu amor tinha ido embora The Queen of Hearts The Queen of Hearts A Rainha de Copas The Queen of Hearts knows about life The Queen of Hearts knows about life A Rainha de Copas sabe sobre a vida She knows all about the heartache She knows all about the heartache Ela sabe tudo sobre a dor no coração Of the lovers in the night Of the lovers in the night Dos amantes da noite Can't you try to read the signs? Can't you try to read the signs? Você não pode tentar ler os sinais? The Queen of Hearts The Queen of Hearts A Rainha de Copas The Queen of Hearts knows about fate The Queen of Hearts knows about fate A Rainha de Copas sabe sobre o destino And the Queen of Hearts, she's telling me: And the Queen of Hearts, she's telling me: E a Rainha de Copas, ela está me dizendo: "Run home to your love, "Run home to your love, "Corra para casa do seu amor, Run before it is too late" Run before it is too late" Corra antes que seja tarde demais " The Queen of Hearts The Queen of Hearts A Rainha de Copas The Queen of Hearts knows about life The Queen of Hearts knows about life A Rainha de Copas sabe sobre a vida She knows all about the heartache She knows all about the heartache Ela sabe tudo sobre a dor no coração Of the lovers in the night Of the lovers in the night Dos amantes da noite Can't you try to read the signs? Can't you try to read the signs? Você não pode tentar ler os sinais? The Queen of Hearts The Queen of Hearts A Rainha de Copas The Queen of Hearts knows about fate The Queen of Hearts knows about fate A Rainha de Copas sabe sobre o destino And the Queen of Hearts, she's telling me: And the Queen of Hearts, she's telling me: E a Rainha de Copas, ela está me dizendo: "Run home to your love, "Run home to your love, "Corra para casa do seu amor, Run before it is too late" Run before it is too late" Correr antes que seja tarde demais "

Composição: K Van Haaren, Tony Hendrik, _ Donovan

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