My youngest sister as well as the oldest
Thou, but a mere child thyself
Art the mother of each beginning
So naive and innocent! Why art thee so persistent?
To birth anew what I hath avenged
What hath deserved to die?
Spring Spring Primavera My youngest sister as well as the oldest My youngest sister as well as the oldest Minha irmã mais nova, mas que também é a mais velha Thou, but a mere child thyself Thou, but a mere child thyself Tu, mesmo não sendo mais que uma criança Art the mother of each beginning Art the mother of each beginning És a mãe de todos os começos So naive and innocent! Why art thee so persistent? So naive and innocent! Why art thee so persistent? Tão tolinha e inocente! Por que és tu tão tenaz? To birth anew what I hath avenged To birth anew what I hath avenged Para dar à luz novamente ao que eu castiguei What hath deserved to die? What hath deserved to die? Ao que mereceu morrer?