Hand in hand she walks with me Hand in hand she walks with me De mãos dadas ela anda comigo and the shame, it's burning my eyes and the shame, it's burning my eyes E a vergonha, está queimando meus olhos etching each memory etching each memory Traçando cada memória na hora in time, just to be by her side in time, just to be by her side Só por estar ao lado dela her face carved deeply in innocence her face carved deeply in innocence Sua cara esculpida em profunda inocência she walks and she secretly smiles she walks and she secretly smiles Ela caminha e secretamente sorri taunting with a lover's grin taunting with a lover's grin Com as caretas de amor and she laughs, and watches me die and she laughs, and watches me die E ela sorri, e me vê morrer now we are here and there is no forgiveness now we are here and there is no forgiveness Agora estamos aqui e não há perdão empty words are the promises within empty words are the promises within Palavras vazias são as promessas íntimas without a passing thought, I shed my life to join them without a passing thought, I shed my life to join them Sem um pensamento repentino, eu mudo minha vida para se juntar a eles Eden is bruning and lovers delve in sin Eden is bruning and lovers delve in sin Éden está queimando e amantes vivem em pecado empty words are the promises within empty words are the promises within Palavras vazias são as promessas íntimas Eden is burning and lovers delve in sin Eden is burning and lovers delve in sin Éden está queimando e amantes vivem em pecado hand in hand, we walk in shame hand in hand, we walk in shame De mãos dadas, nós andamos envergonhados mother is dying and we are to blame mother is dying and we are to blame Mãe está morrendo e nós somos culpados