
Wide Awake

Wide Awake

You can look a hurricane right in the eye You can look a hurricane right in the eye Usted puede mirar a la derecha en el ojo del huracán Twelve hundred people dead or left to die Twelve hundred people dead or left to die Mil doscientos muertos y deja morir Follow the leaders Follow the leaders Siga a los líderes Were it an eye for an eye, we'd all be blind Were it an eye for an eye, we'd all be blind Si fuera un ojo por ojo, todos estaríamos ciegos Deaf or murder, this I'm sure Deaf or murder, this I'm sure Sordos o el asesinato, esta estoy seguro In this uncertain time In this uncertain time En estos tiempos inciertos So come pull the sheet over my eyes So come pull the sheet over my eyes Así que ven a tirar de la sábana sobre los ojos So I can sleep tonight So I can sleep tonight Así que puedo dormir esta noche Despite what I've seen today Despite what I've seen today A pesar de lo que he visto hoy I found you guilty of a crime I found you guilty of a crime He encontrado culpable de un crimen Of sleeping at a time Of sleeping at a time De dormir en un momento When you should have been wide awake When you should have been wide awake Cuando debería haber estado despierto Down on the road the world is floating by Down on the road the world is floating by Abajo en el camino del mundo es flotante The poor and undefended left behind The poor and undefended left behind Los pobres y los indefensos dejado atrás While you're somewhere trading lives for oil While you're somewhere trading lives for oil Mientras estás en un lugar de comercio vidas por petróleo As if the whole world were blind As if the whole world were blind Como si todo el mundo se ciega So come pull the sheet over my eyes So come pull the sheet over my eyes Así que ven a tirar de la sábana sobre los ojos So I can sleep tonight So I can sleep tonight Así que puedo dormir esta noche Despite what I've seen today Despite what I've seen today A pesar de lo que he visto hoy I found you guilty of a crime I found you guilty of a crime He encontrado culpable de un crimen Of sleeping at a time Of sleeping at a time De dormir en un momento When you should have been wide awake When you should have been wide awake Cuando debería haber estado despierto Wide Awake!! Wide Awake!! Wide Awake! Wide Awake!! Wide Awake!! Wide Awake! Wide Awake!! Wide Awake!! Wide Awake! Wide Awake!! Wide Awake!! Wide Awake! Awake! Awake! ¡Despertad!

Composição: Audioslave/Chris Cornell

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