The only constant is change. The only constant is change. Go... The only constant is change. The only constant is change. Go... A única constante é a mudança. A única constante é a mudança. Vá ... The human heart is born without legs, sliding back and forth, The human heart is born without legs, sliding back and forth, O coração humano nasce sem as pernas, deslizando para trás e para frente, and never once does it truly rest, unless accompanied by death... Sliding back and forth. and never once does it truly rest, unless accompanied by death... Sliding back and forth. e nunca o faz descansar verdadeiramente, a menos que acompanhado por morte ... Correr para trás e para frente. Even the strongest remnants of history, they have begun to crumble against time. Even the strongest remnants of history, they have begun to crumble against time. Mesmo os mais fortes vestígios da história, eles começaram a desmoronar-se contra o tempo. Sliding back and forth. Sliding back and forth. Correr para trás e para frente. The only constant is change. Nothing remains the same. The only constant is change. Nothing remains the same. A única constante é a mudança. Nada permanece o mesmo. The only constant is change. There’s only growth or decay. Yea... The only constant is change. There’s only growth or decay. Yea... A única constante é a mudança. Só há crescimento ou decadência. Sim ... Let’s go... Unvarying scenes only found in pictures can never breathe life. Let’s go... Unvarying scenes only found in pictures can never breathe life. vamos lá ... Invariável cenas encontradas somente em fotos nunca pode respirar a vida. For nowhere else does level ground exist, unless it has been captured by a flash of steady light. For nowhere else does level ground exist, unless it has been captured by a flash of steady light. Para nada mais faz a nível do solo existe, a menos que tenha sido capturado por um flash de luz constante. Sliding back and forth (back and forth). Sliding back and forth (back and forth). Correr para trás e para frente (ida e volta). The only constant is change. Uncertainty awaits. The only constant is change. Uncertainty awaits. A única constante é a mudança. Incerteza aguarda. The only constant is change. There’s only growth or decay... or decay. The only constant is change. There’s only growth or decay... or decay. A única constante é a mudança. Só há crescimento ou decadência ... ou deterioração. The only constant is change.... The only constant is change.... A única constante é a mudança .... There is nothing that stays the same, from the foundation of our lives. There is nothing that stays the same, from the foundation of our lives. Não há nada que permaneça o mesmo, desde a fundação de nossas vidas. There is nothing that stays the same. There is nothing to erase time.... There is nothing that stays the same. There is nothing to erase time.... Não há nada que permanece o mesmo. Não há nada para apagar o tempo .... The only constant is change. Nothing remains the same. The only constant is change. Nothing remains the same. A única constante é a mudança. Nada permanece o mesmo. The only constant is change. There’s only growth or decay... Yeaah... The only constant is change. There’s only growth or decay... Yeaah... A única constante é a mudança. Só há crescimento ou decadência ... Yeaah ... The only constant is change (change). The only constant is change. The only constant is change (change). The only constant is change. A única constante é a mudança (mudança). A única constante é a mudança.