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The Nettles

As Urtigas

Sank into their calculations and snorted on a stench Sank into their calculations and snorted on a stench Afundou em seus cálculos e bufou em um fedor A bare arithmetic A bare arithmetic A aritmética nua Look for the boy who was hanging his head low Look for the boy who was hanging his head low Olhe para o menino que estava pendurado com a cabeça baixa More trophies and ideas More trophies and ideas Mais troféus e ideias To follow their pretend To follow their pretend Para seguir o seu fingir With a scowl in his pocket and a smile on his face With a scowl in his pocket and a smile on his face Com uma carranca em seu bolso e um sorriso no rosto He followed with obedience and fell in the nettles He followed with obedience and fell in the nettles Ele seguiu com a obediência e caiu nas urtigas I flew in some spiked meniscus and he bought his own rope I flew in some spiked meniscus and he bought his own rope Eu voei em alguns menisco espetado e ele comprou a sua própria corda And skipped against the rode And skipped against the rode E pulou contra a carona Did start not to find the dark lead and catch that man I hope Did start not to find the dark lead and catch that man I hope Será que começar a não encontrar o chumbo escuro e pegar aquele homem que eu espero Devices man are closed Devices man are closed Dispositivos homem estão fechados He lost all his foot holes He lost all his foot holes Ele perdeu todos os seus furos de pé And with a scowl in his pocket and a smile on his face And with a scowl in his pocket and a smile on his face E com uma carranca no bolso e um sorriso no rosto He followed with obedience and fell in the nettles,fell in the nettles, fell in the nettles He followed with obedience and fell in the nettles,fell in the nettles, fell in the nettles Ele seguiu com a obediência e caiu nas urtigas, caiu nas urtigas, caiu nas urtigas He was a toothpick and the garlic and the cinder upon the pub He was a toothpick and the garlic and the cinder upon the pub Ele era um palito e o alho e o cinza em cima do pub Failed to blunt or hinder, a slow collapse Failed to blunt or hinder, a slow collapse Falha para neutralizar ou impedir, um colapso lento And clinging to the door frame he was trapped And clinging to the door frame he was trapped E agarrando-se à moldura da porta que ele estava preso After a reminder of where he had been After a reminder of where he had been Depois de um lembrete de onde ele tinha sido With a smile in his pocket and a scowl on his face With a smile in his pocket and a scowl on his face Com um sorriso no bolso e uma carranca em seu rosto There was nowhere to flee There was nowhere to flee Não havia para onde fugir Just had to tent in the nettles Just had to tent in the nettles Só tinha de tenda nas urtigas

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