
Black Wave/bad Vibrations

Ondas negras/más vibrações

We can reach the sea We can reach the sea Nós podemos alcançar o mar They won't follow me They won't follow me Eles não me seguirão The shadows they fear the sun The shadows they fear the sun As sombras elas temem o sol We'll make it if we run We'll make it if we run Nós podemos fazer isso se nós corrermos Run from the memory Run from the memory Corra da memória Je nage, mais les sons me suivent [I swim, but the sound follows me] Je nage, mais les sons me suivent [I swim, but the sound follows me] Eu nado, mas o som me segue Left my name with the border guards Left my name with the border guards Deixei meu nome com os guardas da margem A name I don't need A name I don't need Um nome que eu não preciso Ce sera un long voyage [This will be a long voyage] Ce sera un long voyage [This will be a long voyage] Será uma longa viagem Sur les vagues de l'oubli [On the waves of oblivion] Sur les vagues de l'oubli [On the waves of oblivion] Nas ondas do esquecimento Run from the memory Run from the memory Corra da memória Je nage, mais les sons me suivent [I swim, but the sounds follow me] Je nage, mais les sons me suivent [I swim, but the sounds follow me] Eu nado, mas o som me segue Stop now before it's too late Stop now before it's too late Pare agora antes que seja tarde demais Been eating in the ghetto on a hundred dollar plate Been eating in the ghetto on a hundred dollar plate Sendo comido no gueto numa placa de sem dólares Nothing lasts forever, that's the way it's got to be Nothing lasts forever, that's the way it's got to be Nada dura para sempre, esse é o jeito que deve ser There's a great black wave in the middle of the sea (for me) There's a great black wave in the middle of the sea (for me) Há uma grande onda negra no meio do mar (para mim) Stop now before it's too late Stop now before it's too late Pare agora antes que seja tarde demais Been eating in the ghetto on a hundred dollar plate Been eating in the ghetto on a hundred dollar plate Sendo comido no gueto numa placa de sem dólares Nothing lasts forever, that's the way it's got to be Nothing lasts forever, that's the way it's got to be Nada dura para sempre, esse é o jeito que deve ser There's a great black wave in the middle of the sea There's a great black wave in the middle of the sea Há uma grande onda negra no meio do mar For me For me Para mim For you For you Para você For me For me Para mim It's always for you It's always for you É sempre pra você Stop now before it's too late Stop now before it's too late Pare agora antes que seja tarde demais Been eating in the ghetto on a hundred dollar plate Been eating in the ghetto on a hundred dollar plate Sendo comido no gueto numa placa de sem dólares Nothing lasts forever, that's the way its going to be Nothing lasts forever, that's the way its going to be Nada dura para sempre, esse é o jeito que deve ser There's a great black wave in the middle of the sea (for me) There's a great black wave in the middle of the sea (for me) Há uma grande onda negra no meio do mar (para mim) Stop now before it's too late Stop now before it's too late Pare agora antes que seja tarde demais Your lover was for hire, have you noticed he's been late? Your lover was for hire, have you noticed he's been late? Seu amante era de aluguel, você soube que ele faleceu? Nothing lasts forever, that's the way it's got to be Nothing lasts forever, that's the way it's got to be Nada dura pra sempre, esse é o jeito que deve ser There's a great black wave in the middle of the sea There's a great black wave in the middle of the sea Há uma grande onda negra no meio do mar For me For me Para mim For you For you Para você For me For me Para mim It's always for you It's always for you É sempre pra você The sound is not asleep The sound is not asleep O som não está adormecido It's moving under my feet It's moving under my feet Ele se move debaixo dos meus pés

Composição: Arcade Fire

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