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Happy Without You

Feliz sem você

(speaking) (speaking) (falando) Without you, yeah Without you, yeah Sem você, yeah come on come on Vamos lá (verse) (verse) (verso) It took a long time It took a long time Isso leva um longo tempo but I'm back again for good but I'm back again for good Mas eu estou voltando de novo por bem it really hurt me it really hurt me Isso realmente me machuca but now I finally understood but now I finally understood Mas agora eu finalmente entendi the day I left you the day I left you O dia que eu te deixei must be the greatest in my life must be the greatest in my life Deve ser o melhor em minha vida I hear without you I hear without you Eu ouço sem você there's only peace around, no fight there's only peace around, no fight Há um lugar ao redor, sem briga I tried so hard to I tried so hard to Eu tentei tão duro oh doing everything I could oh doing everything I could Oh fazendo tudo que eu poderia manipulated manipulated Manipulado made to think I was no good made to think I was no good Faz pensar que eu não era boa in your possession in your possession Em sua posse every day was a bad dream every day was a bad dream Todo dia era um sonho ruim so naïve then so naïve then Tão inocente então well I was young and sixteen well I was young and sixteen Bem eu era jovem e com 16 anos (chorus) (chorus) Refrão Oh... Oh... Oh... he was my honey he was my honey Ele era meu querido he was my honey he was my honey Ele era meu querido happy without no honey happy without no honey Feliz sem nenhum querido Oh... Oh... Oh... he was my honey he was my honey Ele era meu querido he was my honey he was my honey Ele era meu querido happy without you honey happy without you honey Feliz sem nenhum querido (speaking) (speaking) (falando) Funny how things change, yeah? Funny how things change, yeah? Engraçado como as coisas mudam, yeah? yesterday would all be a lie yesterday would all be a lie Onde seria tudo uma mentira I told you I told you Eu te disse now it's all good now it's all good Agora isso é tudo bom (bridge) (bridge) (ponte) I'm feeling down I'm feeling down Eu estou me sentindo pra baixo it took a time it took a time Isso leva um tempo it took a time for me to heal for what it took a time for me to heal for what Isso leva um tempo para mim cicatrizar para que I thought was love I thought was love Eu pensasse que era amor but I was wrong but I was wrong Mas eu estava errada blinded by your flashy love blinded by your flashy love Cegada pelo seu amor superficial when I was weak when I was weak Quando eu estava fraca and you were there and you were there E você estava lá well it was obvious you did not care well it was obvious you did not care Bem isso era óbvio você não ligou about the one about the one Sobre o único no you don't bother no you don't bother Não você não se preocupa well I'm happy without you, honey well I'm happy without you, honey Bem eu estou feliz sem você, querido (verse) (verse) (verso) Oh yeah they told me Oh yeah they told me Oh yeah eles me disseram you should be careful what you do you should be careful what you do Você deveria ser cuidadosa no que você faz they only use you they only use you Eles só usam você for his pleasures and absurds for his pleasures and absurds Para seus agrados e absurdos the love I gave you the love I gave you O amor que eu te dei it was the last that you deserved it was the last that you deserved Isso era o último que você mereceu call us a nice time call us a nice time Nos chamou um bom tempo to own somebody, that's absurd to own somebody, that's absurd Para próprias pessoas, que é absurd (chorus) (chorus) (refrão) Oh... Oh... Oh... he was my honey he was my honey Ele era meu querido he was my honey he was my honey Ele era meu querido happy without no honey (happy without you honey) happy without no honey (happy without you honey) Feliz sem nenhum querido (feliz sem você querido) Oh... Oh... Oh... he was my honey he was my honey Ele era meu querido he was my honey he was my honey Ele era meu querido happy without you honey (oh oh oh happy without you) happy without you honey (oh oh oh happy without you) Feliz sem nenhum querido (oh oh oh feliz sem você) Oh... Oh... Oh... he was my honey he was my honey Ele era meu querido he was my honey he was my honey Ele era meu querido happy without no honey happy without no honey Feliz sem nenhum querido happy without you happy without you Feliz sem você I'm happy without you I'm happy without you Eu estou feliz sem você I'm happy without you, boy I'm happy without you, boy Eu estou feliz sem você, garoto

Composição: Timo Kaukolampi/Annie Lilia Berge Strand

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