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Carolina Iv

All I see floats with the wind All I see floats with the wind Tudo que eu vejo flutua com o vento - All the miracles of the water - All the miracles of the water - Todos os milagres da água Are the miracles never seen Are the miracles never seen São milagres nunca vistos antes Somehow my life now begins Somehow my life now begins De algum modo minha vida começa agora - This music that's been played through time - This music that's been played through time - Esta música que foi tocada através do tempo Now starts to reach my feet Now starts to reach my feet Agora começa a atingir meus pés Feels like the flood of my needs Feels like the flood of my needs Parece a inundação de minhas necessidades - From the harmony of forever - From the harmony of forever - Vinda da harmonia para sempre Sound the melodies of the sea Sound the melodies of the sea Soam as melodias do mar And you will know on the way And you will know on the way E você saberá no caminho - I'm coming back to my enemies - I'm coming back to my enemies - Eu estou voltando para meus inimigos I'm turning around I'm turning around Eu estou voltando I'll be just coming back to my last days I'll be just coming back to my last days Eu estarei de volta para meus últimos dias I'm coming back to the sea! I'm coming back to the sea! Eu estou voltando para o mar! So... why won't you come with me, my friend? So... why won't you come with me, my friend? Então... Por que você não vem comigo, meu amigo? Thrills... like we had before Thrills... like we had before Emoções... como as que tivemos antes Hope... never showing up the same Hope... never showing up the same Esperança... nunca mostrando o mesmo For a lonely man For a lonely man Para um homem solitário Since the day we left the land Since the day we left the land Desde o dia em que deixamos a terra We've been anxious on aproach We've been anxious on aproach Nós estivemos ansiosos ao aproximar-nos Captain kept showing his plans: Captain kept showing his plans: O capitão continuou mostrando seus planos: "Under sail we go!" "Under sail we go!" "Sob as velas nós vamos!" Deep the ocean's blue I stare Deep the ocean's blue I stare No azul profundo do mar eu observo The reflections of my soul The reflections of my soul As reflexões de minha alma We have with us a special guest We have with us a special guest Nós temos conosco um convidado especial And for him we made a toast And for him we made a toast E para eles nós faremos uma torrada Carolina IV took a river to the sky Carolina IV took a river to the sky Carolina IV pegou um rio para o céu Seven men on board taking part Seven men on board taking part Sete homens à bordo fazendo parte To take their hearts around To take their hearts around Para levar seus corações ao redor All around, around the world! All around, around the world! Ao redor, ao redor do mundo All I can recall that day All I can recall that day Tudo que posso lembrar daquele dia On that very day for sure On that very day for sure Naquele diz com certeza All hands up against the haze All hands up against the haze Todas as mãos para cima contra o nevoeiro As we attempted the return As we attempted the return Enquanto nós tentávamos retorna Carolina IV took the river to the sky Carolina IV took the river to the sky Carolina IV pegou o rio para o céu One man less on board - human dreams One man less on board - human dreams Com um homem a menos à bordo - sonhos humanos Have sometimes cost their lives, Have sometimes cost their lives, Às vezes custaram-lhes suas vidas, All their lives dreaming All their lives dreaming Todas as suas vidas sonhando I've been such a fool I've been such a fool Eu fui tão tolo I've been so afraid I've been so afraid Eu estive com tanto medo From my heart to you I say: From my heart to you I say: Do meu coração, para você eu digo: - I'll be here to stay! - I'll be here to stay! - Eu ficarei aqui em definitivo! Nothing much left from the boat Nothing much left from the boat Não sobraram muitos do barco Many years have been and gone Many years have been and gone Já se passaram muitos anos Still I can't forget the past Still I can't forget the past Eu ainda não posso esquecer o passado And the ones I left at home And the ones I left at home E aqueles que eu deixei em casa Carolina IV took the river to the sky Carolina IV took the river to the sky Carolina IV pegou o rio para o céu Windy whistling nights Windy whistling nights Noites sibilantes e tempestuosas Made me sail right into the wind's eye Made me sail right into the wind's eye Me fizeram navegar diretamente para dentro o olho do vento Now I'll die singing: Now I'll die singing: Agora eu morrerei cantando I've been such a fool I've been such a fool Eu fui tão tolo I've been so afraid I've been so afraid Eu estive com tanto medo From my heart to you I say: From my heart to you I say: Do meu coração, para você eu digo: - I'll be here to stay! - I'll be here to stay! - Eu estou aqui para ficar!

Composição: Bittencourt, Matos

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