
Happy Holiday

Feliz feriado

Happy Holiday Happy Holiday Feliz feriado Happy Holiday Happy Holiday Feliz feriado While the merry bells keep ringing While the merry bells keep ringing Enquanto os sinos alegres continuam tocando May your every wish come true May your every wish come true Que todos os seus desejos se tornem realidade Happy Holiday Happy Holiday Feliz feriado Happy Holiday Happy Holiday Feliz feriado May the calendar keep bringing May the calendar keep bringing Que o calendário continue trazendo Happy Holidays to you Happy Holidays to you Boas festas para você It's the holiday season It's the holiday season É a época natalícia And Santa Claus is coming back And Santa Claus is coming back E Papai Noel está voltando The Christmas snow is white on the ground The Christmas snow is white on the ground A neve de Natal é branca no chão When old Santa gets into town When old Santa gets into town Quando o velho Papai Noel chega à cidade He'll be coming down the chimney, down He'll be coming down the chimney, down Ele vai descer pela chaminé Coming down the chimney, down Coming down the chimney, down Descendo a chaminé para baixo It's the holiday season It's the holiday season É a época natalícia And Santa Claus has got a toy And Santa Claus has got a toy E Papai Noel tem um brinquedo For every good girl and good little boy For every good girl and good little boy Para toda boa menina e bom menino He's a great big bundle of joy He's a great big bundle of joy Ele é um grande pacote de alegria He'll be coming down the chimney, down He'll be coming down the chimney, down Ele vai descer pela chaminé Coming down the chimney, down Coming down the chimney, down Descendo a chaminé para baixo He'll have a big fat pack upon his back He'll have a big fat pack upon his back Ele terá uma grande mochila nas costas And lots of goodies for you and me And lots of goodies for you and me E muitas coisas para você e eu So leave a peppermint stick for old St. Nick So leave a peppermint stick for old St. Nick Então deixe um palito de hortelã para o velho St. Nick Hanging on the Christmas tree Hanging on the Christmas tree Pendurado na árvore de natal It's the holiday season It's the holiday season É a época natalícia With the whoop-de-do and hickory dock With the whoop-de-do and hickory dock Com a doca whoop-de-do e hickory And don't forget to hang up your sock And don't forget to hang up your sock E não se esqueça de pendurar sua meia 'Cause just exactly at 12 o'clock 'Cause just exactly at 12 o'clock Porque exatamente às 12 horas He'll be coming down the chimney He'll be coming down the chimney Ele vai descer pela chaminé Coming down the chimney Coming down the chimney Descendo a chaminé Coming down the chimney, down! Coming down the chimney, down! Descendo pela chaminé! Happy Holiday Happy Holiday Feliz feriado Happy Holiday Happy Holiday Feliz feriado While the merry bells keep bringing While the merry bells keep bringing Enquanto os sinos continuam trazendo Happy Holidays to you Happy Holidays to you Boas festas para você Happy Holiday Happy Holiday Feliz feriado Happy Holiday Happy Holiday Feliz feriado May the calendar keep bringing May the calendar keep bringing Que o calendário continue trazendo Happy Holidays to you Happy Holidays to you Boas festas para você To you To you Para você Happy Holiday Happy Holiday Feliz feriado Happy Holiday Happy Holiday Feliz feriado Happy Holiday Happy Holiday Feliz feriado

Composição: Irving Berlin

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