
Charred Neighborhood

Carbonizados Bairro

Do you have fire? Have you ever smelled your own burned flesh? I know that i have scars on my hands. Do you have fire? Have you ever smelled your own burned flesh? I know that i have scars on my hands. Você tem fogo? Alguma vez você já sentiu a sua própria carne queimada? Eu sei que eu tenho cicatrizes em minhas mãos I like that smell of smoke, gas, and matches. I like that smell of smoke, gas, and matches. Eu gosto desse cheiro de fumaça, gás e fósforos Untiring with my patients, Unmerciful with the flames. Untiring with my patients, Unmerciful with the flames. Incansável com os meus pacientes, Unmerciful com as chamas. House on fire, all that remains are cremated bodies. House on fire, all that remains are cremated bodies. Casa queimando, tudo o que resta são corpos cremados A strong smell of meat invade the neighborhood. A strong smell of meat invade the neighborhood. Um cheiro forte de carne invade o bairro Some people run on the streets. Some people run on the streets. Algumas pessoas correm nas ruas The panic possesses their minds. The panic possesses their minds. O pânico possui suas mentes Ill their families are deformed and dead. Ill their families are deformed and dead. suas famílias são deformadas e mortas I laugh of happiness. Nobody catch me I'm hidden and I see everything that is happening. Browned skin, Bleeding muscles, Charred hair and heads, Pieces of bodies, I laugh of happiness. Nobody catch me I'm hidden and I see everything that is happening. Browned skin, Bleeding muscles, Charred hair and heads, Pieces of bodies, Eu ri de felicidade. Ninguém pode me pegar Eu estou escondido e vejo tudo o que está acontecendo. bronzeado da pele, sangramento músculos, cabelo carbonizados e as cabeças, pedaços de corpos I help to rescue the cadavers. Touching all the burned flesh, pieces of bones and organs. Deformed corpses, cooked and fried meat, like in a big Sunday BBQ, toasted ribs, sweet human meat. I help to rescue the cadavers. Touching all the burned flesh, pieces of bones and organs. Deformed corpses, cooked and fried meat, like in a big Sunday BBQ, toasted ribs, sweet human meat. Eu ajudar a resgatar os cadáveres. Tocando em toda a carne queimada, pedaços de ossos e órgãos. Corpos deformados, carne cozida e frita, como no domingo um grande churrasco, torradas costelas, carne humana .

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