
Bottom of The Barrel

Fondo del barril

I keep on laughing to keep from crying I keep on laughing to keep from crying Sigo riendo para no llorar I keep on dreaming to keep from dying I keep on dreaming to keep from dying Yo sigo soñando para no morir I keep on trying I keep on trying Yo seguiré intentando Ain't gonna stop Ain't gonna stop ¿No va a parar Get right down to the bottom of the barrel Get right down to the bottom of the barrel Obtenga hasta el fondo del barril And then you float back on top And then you float back on top Y luego a flotar de vuelta en la parte superior We all know someone who's always hurtin' We all know someone who's always hurtin' Todos conocemos a alguien que siempre está hurtin ' The sun is shining they draw the curtain The sun is shining they draw the curtain El sol está brillando que correr la cortina One thing for certain One thing for certain Una cosa cierta The pain ain't gonna stop The pain ain't gonna stop El dolor no se va a parar You get right down to the bottom of the barrel You get right down to the bottom of the barrel Usted obtiene hasta el fondo del barril And then you float back on top And then you float back on top Y luego a flotar de vuelta en la parte superior You know the grass is always s greener in someone else's yard You know the grass is always s greener in someone else's yard Usted sabe la hierba es siempre más verde s en algún otro astillero And the world is so much meaner when your heart is hard And the world is so much meaner when your heart is hard Y el mundo es mucho más malo cuando su corazón es difícil I go out walking in any season I go out walking in any season Salgo caminando en cualquier época del año It could be rainin' it could be freezin' It could be rainin' it could be freezin' Puede estar lloviendo podría ser congelando I don't need no reason I don't need no reason No necesito ninguna razón It's just so pleasing I can't stop It's just so pleasing I can't stop Es tan agradable que no puedo dejar de You get right down to the bottom of the barrel You get right down to the bottom of the barrel Usted obtiene hasta el fondo del barril And then you float back on top And then you float back on top Y luego a flotar de vuelta en la parte superior You get right down to the bottom of the barrel You get right down to the bottom of the barrel Usted obtiene hasta el fondo del barril And then you float back on top And then you float back on top Y luego a flotar de vuelta en la parte superior

Composição: Amos Lee

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