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Under The Northern Star

sob a estrela do Norte

The icy winter's getting near The icy winter's getting near O frio gélido está se aproximando Dark skies above us Dark skies above us Céus negros sobre nós Biting frost is in the air Biting frost is in the air Um frio cortante no ar Darkness surrounds us Darkness surrounds us A escuridão nos rodeia The cold piercing autumn breeze The cold piercing autumn breeze A brisa de outono fria perfurante Fills the longship's sail Fills the longship's sail Empurra a vela do navio longo Soon the lakes and seas will freeze Soon the lakes and seas will freeze Logo os lagos e mares congelarão And snow will lay its veil And snow will lay its veil E a neve cairá Many years we have been away Many years we have been away Muitos anos se passaram Many oceans we have roamed Many oceans we have roamed Muitos oceanos nós já navegamos Now the North Star guides us on our way Now the North Star guides us on our way Agora a Estrela do Norte guia nosso caminho As we are heading home As we are heading home Enquanto nos dirigimos para casa The many hardships we've endured The many hardships we've endured Os muitos navios grandes nós resistimos That brought us rich rewards That brought us rich rewards Que nos trouxe recompensas grandes Now the North Star guides us home Now the North Star guides us home Agora a Estrela do Norte nos guia para casa With cargo full of gold With cargo full of gold Com o cargueiro cheio de ouro Many friends died on the way Many friends died on the way Muitos amigos morreram no caminho Only few of us survived Only few of us survived Apenas poucos de nós sobrevivemos But I would gladly trade them place But I would gladly trade them place Mas eu com prazer trocaria de lugar com eles In Oden's hall up high In Oden's hall up high No grande salão de Odin [after solo] [after solo] [solo] The icy winter's getting near The icy winter's getting near O frio gélido está se aproximando Dark skies above us Dark skies above us Céus negros sobre nós Biting frost is in the air Biting frost is in the air Um frio cortante no ar Darkness surrounds us Darkness surrounds us A escuridão nos rodeia Soon the lakes and seas will freeze Soon the lakes and seas will freeze Logo os lagos e mares congelarão And snow will lay its trail And snow will lay its trail E a neve cairá And we will hope for the summer breeze And we will hope for the summer breeze E nós vamos aguardar pela brisa de verão When we can set our sails When we can set our sails Quando nós pudermos levantar as velas

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