He hung on the windswept world tree He hung on the windswept world tree Ele pendurou-se na Árvore-Mundo, onde vento varre Whose roots no one knows Whose roots no one knows Qual ninguém conhece as raízes For nine whole days he hung there pierced For nine whole days he hung there pierced Por nove dias inteiros ele se pendurou lá perfurado By Gugnir, his spear By Gugnir, his spear Por Gugnir, sua lança Swimming in pain he peered into the depths Swimming in pain he peered into the depths Nadando na dor, ele olhou para as profundezas And cried out in agony And cried out in agony E exclamou em agonia Reaching out he grasped the runes Reaching out he grasped the runes Ao chegar, ele pegou as runas Before falling back from the abyss Before falling back from the abyss Antes de cair de volta ao abismo He gave himself unto himself He gave himself unto himself Ele se entregou para si próprio In a world of shearing pain In a world of shearing pain Em um mundo de dores agudas Go that we all may live our lives Go that we all may live our lives De modo que nós todos possamos viver nossas vidas By the wisdom that he gained By the wisdom that he gained Pela sabedoria que adquiriu You doubted him, and spread their lies You doubted him, and spread their lies Você duvidou dele, e espalha suas mentiras Across the world, with sword in hand Across the world, with sword in hand Através o mundo, com a espada na mão You raped our souls, and stole our right You raped our souls, and stole our right Você estuprou nossas almas, e roubou o nosso direito All for the words of mild-mannered man All for the words of mild-mannered man Tudo pelas palavras do homem bondoso You listened to mild-mannered god You listened to mild-mannered god Você ouviu ao Deus brando And put your faith in deceitful words And put your faith in deceitful words E põe a sua fé em palavras enganosas Your powertrip was paid by blood Your powertrip was paid by blood Sua gratificação aos submissos foi paga pelo sangue In kindness' name you spilled our blood In kindness' name you spilled our blood Em nome da bondade você derramou nosso sangue I refuse to submit I refuse to submit Recuso a me submeter To the god you say is kind To the god you say is kind Ao deus que você se diz criação I know what's right, and it is time I know what's right, and it is time Eu sei o que é certo, e é tempo It's time to fight, and free our minds It's time to fight, and free our minds É tempo de lutar, e libertar as nossas mentes Let me die without fear Let me die without fear Deixe-me morrer sem medo! As I have lived without it As I have lived without it Como eu vivi sem ele So shut your mouth and spare my ears So shut your mouth and spare my ears Então cale a boca e poupe meus ouvidos I'm fed up with all your bullshit I'm fed up with all your bullshit Estou farto de todas as suas besteiras After a thousand years of oppression After a thousand years of oppression Após mil anos de opressão Let the berserks rise again Let the berserks rise again Deixe os berserks surgirem novamente Let the world hear these words once more Let the world hear these words once more Deixe o mundo ouvir estas palavras, mais uma vez: "Save us, oh lord, from the wrath of the Norsemen" "Save us, oh lord, from the wrath of the Norsemen" "Salva-nos, ó Senhor, da ira dos nórdicos" Our sprits were forged in snow and ice Our sprits were forged in snow and ice Nossos espíritos foram forjados em neve e gelo To bend like steel forged over fire To bend like steel forged over fire Para dobrar como aço forjado sobre o fogo We were not made to bend like reed We were not made to bend like reed Não fomos feitos para dobrar como cana Or turn the other cheek Or turn the other cheek Ou virar o outro lado da face He grasped the runes, they're ours to use He grasped the runes, they're ours to use Ele agarrou as runas, elas são para nosso uso