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Never Found The Time

Nunca Encontrei o Tempo

I never found the time I never found the time Eu nunca encontrei o tempo To see things quite through To see things quite through Para ver as coisas direito I never found the time I never found the time Eu nunca encontrei o tempo To give them to you To give them to you Para dá-las a você If living don't come easy If living don't come easy Se viver não ficar fácil Don't stop your own voice Don't stop your own voice Não pare sua própria voz 'Cause the worst part of living 'Cause the worst part of living Pois a pior parte na vida Is havin' no choice Is havin' no choice É não ter escolha Tell me a story Tell me a story Me conte uma história Tell it with your eyes Tell it with your eyes Me conte com seus olhos I'm gonna stop believin' I'm gonna stop believin' Eu vou parar de acreditar If I hear another lie If I hear another lie Se eu ouvir outra mentira Drink some cold water Drink some cold water Beba uma água gelada Your mouth's getting dry Your mouth's getting dry Sua boca está ficando seca If I only had the time If I only had the time Se eu apenas tivesse tempo To see things right through To see things right through Para ver as coisas direito I'd give up all my treasures I'd give up all my treasures Eu juntaria todos meus tesouros And send them to you And send them to you E os enviaria a você Then livin' would seem easy Then livin' would seem easy Então a vida pareceria fácil No lights and no noise No lights and no noise Sem luz e sem som Just me and my lady Just me and my lady Somente eu e minha senhorita And the echo of her voice And the echo of her voice E o eco de sua voz Tell me a story Tell me a story Me conte uma história Tell it with your eyes Tell it with your eyes Me conte com seus olhos I'm gonna stop believin' I'm gonna stop believin' Eu vou parar de acreditar If I hear another lie If I hear another lie Se eu ouvir outra mentira Drink some cold water Drink some cold water Beba uma água gelada Your mouth's getting dry Your mouth's getting dry Sua boca está ficando seca I never found the time I never found the time Eu nunca encontrei o tempo To see into my lady To see into my lady Pra ver em minha senhorita And memories don't die And memories don't die E memórias não mentem But with time become hazy But with time become hazy Mas com o tempo se tornam vagas I never found the time I never found the time Eu nunca encontrei o tempo To see into my lady To see into my lady Pra ver em minha senhorita And memories don't die And memories don't die E memórias não mentem But with time become hazy But with time become hazy Mas com o tempo se tornam vagas I never found the time I never found the time Eu nunca encontrei o tempo To see into my lady To see into my lady Pra ver em minha senhorita And memories don't die And memories don't die E memórias não mentem But with time become hazy But with time become hazy Mas com o tempo se tornam vagas I never found the time I never found the time Eu nunca encontrei o tempo

Composição: Dan Peek

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