você é o modelo tradicional You are the original template You are the original template você é o modelo exemplar you are the original exemplary you are the original exemplary quão vista você era realmente? how seen were you actually? how seen were you actually? quanto respeitada você era (honestamente) naquele tempo? how revered were you (honestly) at the time? how revered were you (honestly) at the time? por que baixou a sua guarda? why pleased with your low maintenance? why pleased with your low maintenance? você nos amou mais do que poderíamos retribuir you loved us more then we would've loved you back you loved us more then we would've loved you back onde estava sua aliada sua parceira no crime feminino where was your ally your partner in feminine crime? where was your ally your partner in feminine crime? Oh mãe quem cuida de você? oh mother who'd your buddy? oh mother who'd your buddy? Oh mãe quem cuida de você? oh mother who'd got your back? oh mother who'd got your back? o coração da casa the heart of the house the heart of the house o coração da casa the heart of the house the heart of the house todos saúdem a deusa! all hail the goddess! all hail the goddess! você era a "velha e boa" you were "good o!" you were "good o!" Você era "contem com ela até as quatro da manhã" you were "count on 'er 'til four am" you were "count on 'er 'til four am" você me viu correr da casa you saw me run from the house you saw me run from the house para a neve melodramaticamente in the snow melodramatically in the snow melodramatically oh mãe quem é a sua irmã? oh mother who's your sister oh mother who's your sister oh mão quem é a sua amiga? oh mother who's your friend? oh mother who's your friend? o coração da casa the heart of the house the heart of the house o coração da casa the heart of the house the heart of the house todos saúdem a deusa! all hail the goddess! all hail the goddess! Nós deixamos os homens e fomos dar uma caminhada we left the men we went for a walk in the gatineaus we left the men we went for a walk in the gatineaus e conversamos como mulheres para mulheres como mulheres fariam and talked like women like women to women would and talked like women like women to women would E falamos como mulheres, de mulher pra mulher womyn to womyn would "where did you get that from? womyn to womyn would "where did you get that from? deve ter sido seu pai seu papai must've been your father your dad" must've been your father your dad" Puxei de você puxei de você I got it from you I got it from you I got it from you I got it from you Você se vê nos meus trambiques de fundo de quintal? do you see yourself in my gypsy garage sale ways? do you see yourself in my gypsy garage sale ways? nos meus ataques de riso? in my fits of laughter? in my fits of laughter? nas minhas tendências ciganas ? in my tinkerbell tendencies? in my tinkerbell tendencies? na minha falta de coordenação com cores? in my lack of colour coordination? in my lack of colour coordination?