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Prince Ali (2019)

Príncipe Ali (2019)

(Make way for Prince Ali!) (Make way for Prince Ali!) (Abra caminho para o príncipe Ali!) (Say hey! It's Prince Ali!) (Say hey! It's Prince Ali!) (Diga Ei! É o príncipe Ali!) Hey! Clear the way in the old bazaar Hey! Clear the way in the old bazaar Ei! Limpe o caminho no antigo bazar Hey you! Let us through! Hey you! Let us through! Ei você! Deixe-nos passar! It's a brand new star! It's a brand new star! É uma nova estrela a brilhar! Oh come, be the first on your block to meet his eye! Oh come, be the first on your block to meet his eye! Oh venha, seja o primeiro no seu quarteirão a encontrar o seu olho! Make way! Here he comes! Make way! Here he comes! Saia do caminho! Aqui vem ele! Ring bells! Bang the drums! Ring bells! Bang the drums! Toque os sinos! Bata os tambores! Oh! You're gonna love this guy! Oh! You're gonna love this guy! Oh! Você vai amar esse cara! Prince Ali! Fabulous he! Prince Ali! Fabulous he! Príncipe Ali! Fabuloso assim! Ali Ababwa Ali Ababwa Ali Ababwa Show some respect, boy genuflect, down on one knee! Show some respect, boy genuflect, down on one knee! Genuflect, mostre algum respeito, de joelhos! Now, try your best to stay calm Now, try your best to stay calm Agora, tente o seu melhor para ficar calmo Brush up your Friday salaam Brush up your Friday salaam Limpe o seu salaam de sexta Then come and meet his spectacular coterie Then come and meet his spectacular coterie Então venha e conheça sua espetacular coterie Prince Ali! Prince Ali! Príncipe Ali! Mighty is he! Mighty is he! Poderoso assim! Ali Ababwa Ali Ababwa Ali Ababwa Strong as ten regular men, definitely! Strong as ten regular men, definitely! Forte como dez homens normais, definitivamente! He faced the galloping hordes He faced the galloping hordes (Ele enfrentou as hordas galopantes) A hundred bad guys with swords A hundred bad guys with swords (Uns cem bandidos com espadas) Who sent those goons to their lords? Who sent those goons to their lords? Quem mandou aqueles capangas para seus senhores? Why, Prince Ali Why, Prince Ali Ué, o príncipe Ali Fellas he's got (seventy-five golden camels) Fellas he's got (seventy-five golden camels) (Ele tem setenta e cinco camelos de ouro) Now the ladies, what he got? (Purple peacocks, he's got fifty-three) Now the ladies, what he got? (Purple peacocks, he's got fifty-three) Eles não parecem lindos, junho? Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh (Pavões roxos, ele tem cinquenta e três) When it comes to exotic-type mammals When it comes to exotic-type mammals Fabuloso Harry, eu amo as penas! Everybody help me out! Everybody help me out! Quando se trata de mamíferos do tipo exótico (he's got a zoo) (he's got a zoo) (Ele tem um zoológico?) (I'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie) (I'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie) (Eu estou te dizendo, é um zoológico de classe mundial) Prince Ali! Handsome is he, Ali Ababwa Prince Ali! Handsome is he, Ali Ababwa Príncipe Ali! Bonito é ele, Ali Ababwa That physique! How can I speak, weak at my knee That physique! How can I speak, weak at my knee Aquele físico! Como eu falo fraco no joelho Yummy boy Yummy boy Bem, saia nessa praça So get on out in that square So get on out in that square Ajuste seu véu e prepare Adjust your veil and prepare Adjust your veil and prepare Para embasbacar, rastejar e encarar o Príncipe Ali! To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali! To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Ali! Ele tem noventa e cinco macacos persas brancos Ops Ops (Ele tem os macacos, vamos ver os macacos) (He's got ninety-five white Persian monkeys) (He's got ninety-five white Persian monkeys) E para visualizá-los ele não cobra nenhuma taxa He's got the monkeys, a bunch of monkeys He's got the monkeys, a bunch of monkeys (Ele é generoso, tão generoso) (And to view them he charges no fee) (And to view them he charges no fee) Ele tem escravos, ele tem servos e lacaios (He's generous, so generous) (He's generous, so generous) (Orgulhoso de trabalhar para ele!) (He's got ten-thousands servants and flunkies) (He's got ten-thousands servants and flunkies) Eles se curvam ao seu capricho amando servi-lo (Proud to work for him!) (Proud to work for him!) Eles são apenas com lealdade a Ali! Príncipe Ali! (They bow to his whim love serving him) (They bow to his whim love serving him) Príncipe Ali! (They're just lousy with loyalty to Ali! Prince Ali!) (They're just lousy with loyalty to Ali! Prince Ali!) Amoroso ele! Ali Ababwa Prince Aaaa- Prince Aaaa- Ouvi dizer que sua princesa era uma visão adorável de se ver We're waiting for you We're waiting for you E isso, gente boa, é por isso que ele se arrumou e caiu We're not going 'till you go We're not going 'till you go (Com sessenta elefantes, lhamas em abundância You can do it You can do it Com seus ursos e leões There it is There it is Uma banda de metal e mais Prince Ali! Amorous he! Ali Ababwa Prince Ali! Amorous he! Ali Ababwa Com seus quarenta faquires, seus cozinheiros, seus padeiros Heard your princess was hot! Where is she? Heard your princess was hot! Where is she? Seus pássaros que se agitam na chave And that, good people, is why, he got all cute and dropped by And that, good people, is why, he got all cute and dropped by Abram caminho para o príncipe Ali!) With (sixty elephants, llamas galore) real? With (sixty elephants, llamas galore) real? (With his bears and lions a brass band and more) what? (With his bears and lions a brass band and more) what? (With his forty fakirs, his cooks, his bakers) (With his forty fakirs, his cooks, his bakers) (His birds that warble on key) (His birds that warble on key) (Make way) for Prince Ali! (Make way) for Prince Ali!

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